Who are you?

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to mysunnyboy again. Thank you, I thought I was alone.

I keep saying, Padawanker asks questions that could eventually narrow your identity down. Like 20 questions. It's not even paranoia, it's just plain weird. There are a million threads here, but his are the only ones asking specific questions about you: have you ever broken a bone, had surgery, tell me about your parents, where have you travelled, how much money do you have, etc. It's just weird.

For him to respond "I already know my own answers" implies a disdain for all of you. He holds himself above you, even though he is an insecure kid who tries to make himself feel superior intellectually by harrassing religious people, demanding they prove god exists using scientific method; then telling them he does not because they cannot. While I am not a religious person, it is disgusting to me. Who cares what others believe, and follow, as long as they don't push it on you?
[video=youtube;zufuNr1GBYI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zufuNr1GBYI&playnext=1&list=PLEE9797B7041B 5605&feature=results_video[/video]
I'm your worst nightmare