UK outoor 2013 grow


I've installed a temperature app on my pc at home and am going to be watching it like a hawk until I see that on a night temp's don't drop below - 12/13 degrees. And days are up to 20 degrees +... With the weather being very erratic in the UK I will be checking weather reports on a daily basis and when the time is right, ill start my grow.

I have many fields surrounding the area I live that is unpopulated and has some forestry, using google earth I'm selecting my grow zone. I'm going to prepare in advance, when the times nearly there i'm gunna go dig my holes, fill with my growing medium and drop a sapling started from seed indoors and already out of Embryo stage.

It would be logical to not put all of my eggs in one basket and do it all in the same spot. I'm thinking 6 spread out over convenient locations.

I want suggestions of a good weather resistant outdoor plants (and a link to where i can buy seeds)...
and do's & dont's (any advice is appreciated)...

Maybe you did this before in the UK? How did it go for you?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you've got everything under control.
A reliable strain for the UK climate would Purple Maroc, pretty cheap from SeaofSeeds and you get a ton of freebies as well.
what are you using in your growing medium?


Well i was thinking dig a 2x2 meter hole, A good few feet down too, Fill with a mixture of airy soil/compost + airstones....

Although it may look a bit more out of place, should i keep em in individual 10 liter plant pots i got? thinking this will allow me to put some sort of plastic sheeting around the main steam to limit the amount of rainwater getting inside and stop over watering and allow it to only drink what gets caught in the pot tray that sits underneath it?


New Member
keep me updated man! I've just cracked my seeds and i'm going to plant them very soon, i'm going to take some small plant pots with me, then in a few weeks time i'm going to find a way of getting some recycling bins as they have holes in the bottom so they're pretty much big plant pots, when are you going to plant yours?


Yeh lol everyone's using recycling bins these days, mate if you on about the present, as in now, you would be foolish to go put them out anywhere now other than a greenhouse maybee... they will die for sure, night temperatures are far too low and day temperatures too... Mid-April im hoping the weather picks up and then im on it. Be smart about it, don't just pray for them to survive.


New Member
Imma try grow them in my room for now, no special lighting I'm only growing it to piss about, then if they pick up I'll plant them outdoors end of next month in a greenhouse!


Well-Known Member
Imma try grow them in my room for now, no special lighting I'm only growing it to piss about, then if they pick up I'll plant them outdoors end of next month in a greenhouse!
With only natural light your plants will start to flower. i suggest you acquire some artificial light to keep them in veg until you put them out.


Well-Known Member
Well i was thinking dig a 2x2 meter hole, A good few feet down too, Fill with a mixture of airy soil/compost + airstones....

Although it may look a bit more out of place, should i keep em in individual 10 liter plant pots i got? thinking this will allow me to put some sort of plastic sheeting around the main steam to limit the amount of rainwater getting inside and stop over watering and allow it to only drink what gets caught in the pot tray that sits underneath it?
(sorry for double post)

I would suggest just planting them into the holes you've prepared, just make sure your growing medium is well drained if your worried about over-watering.
My advice is don't over complicate it.
For my preparation I either dig individual holes or a whole bed, mix in some quality compost (homemade is best), some Fish Blood and Bone, Bone-meal, chicken pellets and then water with a comfrey tea during flowering.


Well-Known Member
how big should I let them grow until I let them fend for themselves?
I would just let them do their thing until around April-May (when they should be going out), and they will easily be big enough to survive.
By the end of the season, providing they are treated right, you will have absolute monsters :eyesmoke:


New Member
will i need to water them everyday when they're outside? or just if its been hot, and roughly how long should it take from me planting them today to be smokable


Well-Known Member
will i need to water them everyday when they're outside? or just if its been hot, and roughly how long should it take from me planting them today to be smokable
Nope, as they get bigger they will require more water but they will never need it everyday. You will be able to judge when they need more, dry soil, when the pots feel light and droopy leaves are all signs. (You said greenhouse so i assume your using pots)
As for how long, its mostly strain dependent. What you running with?


Active Member
Artificial light is A MUST! Also the weaker your lighting the more likely your plants will stretch so make sure to actively be pruning your plants indoors!


Active Member
herbiesheadshop is good for seeds.
i'm also doin an outdoor this year, got 7 about 1 week old atm keeping inside i know its early but the strains i'm dealing with are reliable and strong.
i think if you have a secure location holes in ground 3x3, lots of space for roots to expand. they will thrive.


Well-Known Member
herbiesheadshop is good for seeds.
i'm also doin an outdoor this year, got 7 about 1 week old atm keeping inside i know its early but the strains i'm dealing with are reliable and strong.
i think if you have a secure location holes in ground 3x3, lots of space for roots to expand. they will thrive.
What strains you doing this year?