lolz both hahah i usualy just use lube for the female i do both the vagania and a but plug lolz it works make the females shake and squirt lolz im vishous and delishous for shure lolz
see the trimming machine on the table...... Don't waste your money on one unless you have more than you know what to do with or just don't care about the quality...
i dont hoe around anymore lolz sorry im just buzzed but i was a women slayer had stackers and girls wanting to get prego on me i once gave pregnacy pills to a girl and told her they were musle relaxers and i jumped in the shoewer later after the shower i just seen her do a line of anti pegnacie pills lolz.... oww man i got a history with females im quit alright sorry about the post.. once had a girl trien to ram her car into my house lolz i never told her she we were going out just friends had many girls throw rocks at my window isnt it supose to be the other way around lolz
once had a girl trien to ram her car into my house lolz i never told her she we were going out just friends had many girls throw rocks at my window isnt it supose to be the other way around lolz
Yes it is supposed to be the other way around.... you shouldn't be dumb enough to let them know where you live.... Go to their house... how are you going to claim it's not yours if she knows your real name and where you live???
ow man i usto strugle with women you know i would hit it and they would come over to my house while other women were their and they start crazzy shit you know i nevor cheated it was the other way around but after the chick i dismissed or she dismissed me i got out of hand but not wanting to setle down with just anyone i had to find a good bedroom romance and it had to be just as good to be compatible but never did i lead anyone one i didnt grow back then i was a contractor those days i moved back to cali to grow i then setled down with one bad chick that took me too my doom in the room and after the bedroom im cool know today i dont fuck around anymore..
best advice is learn how to drop the dick on the girls man they get sprung lolz that A FUCKEN TRUEST SHIT I EVER WROTE learn how to make them come its over big dog straight up... thats the truest shit dont come early fight the feeling and last the rounds if you make them come twice or more your in like fline lolz im sorry im so primitive but hey it works
best advice is learn how to drop the dick on the girls man they get sprung lolz that A FUCKEN TRUEST SHIT I EVER WROTE learn how to make them come its over big dog straight up... thats the truest shit dont come early fight the feeling and last the rounds if you make them come twice or more your in like fline lolz im sorry im so primitive but hey it works

You don't have to tell me..... Don't get me wrong I love my wife but I got me a sugga momma!
best advice is learn how to drop the dick on the girls man they get sprung lolz that A FUCKEN TRUEST SHIT I EVER WROTE learn how to make them come its over big dog straight up... thats the truest shit dont come early fight the feeling and last the rounds if you make them come twice or more your in like fline lolz im sorry im so primitive but hey it works

Even better is not cumming every once in a while, especially the first time and acting like you don't want to hit it! You pull that off and she will think there is something wrong with her and want to keep trying!
I get that shit too. Doesn't hurt and you never know it's there until you're brushing your teeth and see it in the mirror lol. Always seems to go away after a week or so

yeah it was kinda shocker the 1st time it happened to me was when I owned cats they jumped up into a window sill during the night then onto my eye during the night... now THAT hurt...

sent this text to my lil brother...with the pic

me..hey you every blow out an eyeball..

him...dude.. that's gross

me.. well it was gross for the 1st few secs then it became a game of chase my 16 dd around the house yelling I'm gonna pop it!!

him.. just like dad..
Pretty sure its the second or third time I've put up a different picture. Come get it ladies! ;)
