UK Rollitup users stay away from


Well-Known Member
Just been over to the comunist state of uk420, they banned me and delated my post's without reason LOL if you dont agree with them then your not welcome over there. uk420 = The Nazi Party

I beleive their are some good members their, i myself am from the UK, but the people moderating have their head so far up their ass, and ban you for the smallest of things.

if you dare to question the MODS who btw know everything there is know about marijuana and its growing problems-you get banned and the same applies if you dare disagree with any of the clique that is uk420.

I suggest people stick to (a much more fair, chilled site). And stay away from run by the dictator grass named Joolz.



Well-Known Member

Sorry i couldn't help it. But i agree Rollitup seems to be the coolest site to use. Everywhere else people just dont try to help, like ever. Here although you have a few assholes(me included haha) you will get some solid advice.


Well-Known Member
I am from the UK, went there a couple of times, just did not like the Bad Attitude. Didn´t get banned, but don´t go anymore.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Whenever you get a large number of people together you are bound to have as you said "WANKERS" (I love that word). The ratio on this site is very easy on the brain.
Totally agree..had the misfortune of being on there for less than two weeks. Its a dump due to the crappy mods and twaty senior members . A few were ok...but you either kiss ass or haul ass.


Well-Known Member
i was a member there for a while, some very knowledgeable members on uk420 especially when it comes to uk clone-only strains i left cause you wait days for a reply to a post the site moves way too slow, each to there own tho but carnt say i had any problems with mods.


Well-Known Member
had enough , after 7-8 yrs there of popping in and being treated like a dick they have banned me for the last time , i keep doing stupid things such as questioning the left wing rhetoric thats posted up time and time again , if you offer top quality grow info this goes ignored or questioned without merit , so much as question the crap some people post as grow info then your just a troll and can feck off !!

my usage these is series of posts , i log on as something to do , get entwined in the shit and walk away after a few months , mannnnn do i need to find a place i can all home , rollitup isnt being honest my first choice as being uber honest the load speed does annoy somewhat but given the fart in the face ive endured for the last few months the civility and charm of this place is sweeter than you lot can ever imagine

once the bans over im deleting ,,,, said id do it last time ,,,this time its got to happen for sanitys sake

uk420 can lick the cheese off the end of my greasy pole :hump:


Well-Known Member
Easy fella - some of us are communists. ;-)
quick get `im

fairness and justice for all ? thats socialism to me and who can really say fairer than that , im mostly there myself , nowt wrong with most peoples left wing idiology but the way its used and presented at uk420 ......... bejezuz

but anyway yeah i had to mention the left wing element as theres a shit load of inaccurate propaganda created out of tragedies or general changes in the law , the fucktards there cherry pick storys that are almost surreal and parade this as the justification for all thats wrong in this world , now me i see it slightly different , its its got a tail that wags and barks its not a duck , if someone posts up something thats wrong i tend to ask have they researched this at all ? where is the proof ? a social services report says someone has starved to death due to their money being stopped i tend to google that health authority and seek that report plus also every name before i give an opinion , when i find out its been made up i post up the same and sure as shit i must then be a troll or ban worthy due to not following the other sheep ,,,, doh!!!!!!!!

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
I didn't read the thread bigby, just excited and typed that haha. I love typing random things, good response. Response is good. Yes.