
Well-Known Member
To put it another way- if a hen and a half laid an egg and a half in a day and a half how long would it take to kick the seeds out of a watermelon?:joint::joint:
Thats like the old LSD one, if a canoe with 3 people is rolling down a hill and flips over, how many prunes can you stuff up an elephants ass................None fuck, snakes don't have stupid


Well-Known Member
'round these here parts, when ya jam yer thumb up someone's ass when they least expect it, its called goosing them..
Wow, I am really baked.:eyesmoke:.. ~LOL~ because I get the impression that you guys jam yer thumb up someones ass when they least expect it..... BWaaaahahahaha.......

Sounds like a game I would like to play with a lot of cute girls except instead of putting my thumb, I would 'goose' them with something else:hump::hump:


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Watch out hoss! We got one o' them there sodomites lurking about the forums! Ruuuuuuun!:eek:
Wow, I am really baked.:eyesmoke:.. ~LOL~ because I get the impression that you guys jam yer thumb up someones ass when they least expect it..... BWaaaahahahaha.......

Sounds like a game I would like to play with a lot of cute girls except instead of putting my thumb, I would 'goose' them with something else:hump::hump:



Well-Known Member
Watch out hoss! We got one o' them there sodomites lurking about the forums! Ruuuuuuun!:eek:
Haha, actually I haven't had the pleasure or the urge to have much anal sex. The girls either complain to much or ...... cry....... So its not much of a turn on, for me, when you feel like your inflicting bad pain on a special person. So I just stick with the puss..... You guys didn't need to know about that, but I don't give a fluck. :lol:


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Thank you for sharing, we. I myself am a girl, and I have no desire to have anyone stir my granola with their meat stick.
Haha, actually I haven't had the pleasure or the urge to have much anal sex. The girls either complain to much or ...... cry....... So its not much of a turn on, for me, when you feel like your inflicting bad pain on a special person. So I just stick with the puss..... You guys didn't need to know about that, but I don't give a fluck. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Haha, actually I haven't had the pleasure or the urge to have much anal sex. The girls either complain to much or ...... cry....... So its not much of a turn on, for me, when you feel like your inflicting bad pain on a special person. So I just stick with the puss..... You guys didn't need to know about that, but I don't give a fluck. :lol:

it's pretty simple to tell if they are into anal - if they aren't they'll say: "get you fucking finger out of there!" or something like that.


Well-Known Member
it's pretty simple to tell if they are into anal - if they aren't they'll say: "get you fucking finger out of there!" or something like that.
HAHAHAHAHA, Good point email.:mrgreen: I've been with the same gal for over 2 years now, so I don't give myself the opportunity to see 'which ones' are into anal..... When I was tearing it up, most of them would just say "Nope, that what I have a vagina for" Haha. And the ones that did let me try would soon cry, so I drew my attention away from it because it didn't work for me either way:cry:.......

Ahhh, how I miss being single, so much puss so little time..... I wouldn't trade my girl for the world though........:-|........*pondering*.....:-|......



Well-Known Member
This sucks....I was just talking to my neighbor..There was a few of us growing, so we all have plants, so now she tells me she had a fight with another neighbor (who also grows) and that she said if she sees her growing plants shes going to rat her out to the cops...WTF, I gave them both plants and now I'm stuck in between 2 crazy ass people....Fuck me....I might have to move my crop..........
How stupid do you have to be to start a NARC war when you're just as much a stoner as the next person ???????? I hate this petty fighting shit.....nothing good is going to come of this.........FUCK


Well-Known Member
rule #1 twisty... rule #1...
I know the rule, but these are people I've lived next to for years & we've all done the "you want a plant" thing.....It's the crazy one that got me started on growing, because she buys clones off the bikers & sells them for $8 each....We're not kids...
the youngest is 30 & oldest 54......anyone that uses dope as a weapon or tool against is pond scum..........................................
or just a monster...................................................sorry...couldn't find a pond smiley..


Well-Known Member
I know the rule, but these are people I've lived next to for years & we've all done the "you want a plant" thing.....It's the crazy one that got me started on growing, because she buys clones off the bikers & sells them for $8 each....We're not kids...
the youngest is 30 & oldest 54......anyone that uses dope as a weapon or tool against is pond scum..........................................
or just a monster...................................................sorry...couldn't find a pond smiley..
that sucks twisty - hopefully it was something said in the heat of the moment and is now regretted. how level-headed are these folks? do you think their regretting having said that is a likely outcome?

thought i'm guessing probably not since you're considering moving your grow.