Attention all aussies


Well-Known Member
well guys on my first grow but unfortunatly looks like my bagseeds are from a hermie plant,they are all female but half of them haved hermied after just two weeks on 12/12 they are the only seeds i could get, so i was hoping to breed them for future seed stock.but hermie gentics are not for me so i was thinking if there are any fellow aussie growers out there can you give a guy a helping hand and send me some decent seed would be very gratful please pm me so we can talk.its so hard to get seeds in my part of aus and you cant tell if the badseeds will be a bunch of hermi crap, please realy need some help here thanks guys:sad:

mr wrong

Well-Known Member
hey mate, im over in wa. what state you in. i just got of work and one of my gals haa male flowers poppin up at four weeks into flower so shes getting the chop as we speak. i get all my seeds through herbies headshop. great freebies and really quick postage. i get mine a week to ten days after payment. buy some from them.

what state u in??


Well-Known Member
im in queensland tryed to get sum from bonza but customs got them i dont think anyone getting shit all through brisbane atm bloody bastards lol.

mr wrong

Well-Known Member
if ypu can afford it try herbies. the absolute best time to buy them in is easter and christmas. tjeres so much more mail they simply cant check it all. heebies stealth is so good, my missus nearly chucked out there last delivery thinking it was bullshit junk mail!
Bought a few from Bonza, destined for Brisbane. Never received.
Last status update from AU post:
30/01/13 15:44 Received and awaiting clearance for delivery


Well-Known Member
I think we have the same prob it sucks cant get any good seeds at all tried three times bonza, herbies, at easter and notta qld sucks for that even got a resend from herbies and nothing. they emailed me and said qld is one of the hardest places to get them. forever looking for a good strain. fml got a couple ob bag ones on the go hope there not males.


Active Member
Go herbies fellaz.... they do awesome super discreet packaging... but than again customs over here in aus are hard bastards... so jus gotta keep trying till a batch comes through...

Best of to make multiple small orders that way you dont loose all your money in the 1 pot if you loose the package.... !!


mr wrong

Well-Known Member
Best of to make multiple small orders that way you dont loose all your money in the 1 pot if you loose the package.... !!

Not quite the best idea mate. For one you end up payin multiple shipping costs an that for me is the most expensive.thing as i only buy enough seed for a.couple few plant crops.

Secondly, once they confirm what you are importing and have confiscated it, they will continue to have mail with your name and/or address flagged so as it will be more likely to be selected for "random" inspection or closer analysis to search for contraband.

If i had seeds found, i would not send them to that address again for some time. By the way, i send to my growing address with no problems what so ever.


Active Member
Had a mate ask herbies about getting seeds into QLD they basically said-

Australia is the hardest country in the world to get seeds into and Queensland is the hardest state.

So QLD is the hardest fucking place in the world to try and get your beans through. Assholes got my
order $300 and it's looking like they got my mates order as well.

I'm getting a resend after the 15th so I'm sending my shit through Melbourne to a mates place. All
my orders got through Melbourne when I was living in vic so that's where my beans are headed next.

Brissy know exactly what the packages look like so chances are pretty slim (they slap scan stickers on anything that even looks close to a seed package). Fuck!! Oh well I'm prepared to go the long way round :blsmoke:

Even Herbies say send to another state if you can!



Well-Known Member
Bought a few from Bonza, destined for Brisbane. Never received.
Last status update from AU post:
30/01/13 15:44 Received and awaiting clearance for delivery
We have a specific shipping method for QL customers - "Buddy"( This is the only guaranteed shipping method for customers there . It's nonsense to suggest any seedbank is superior than Bonza in terms of stealth. We are widely acknowledged to have the best discrete shipping methods in the industry and also at ZERO additional cost to you guys.


Well-Known Member
I live in Sydney, Nsw. As a new grower I ordered my first lot of seeds around Christmas time from Herbies and received them with great stealth. This thread scares me! I really hope I don't have this much trouble in the future on receiving purchased seeds -.- . My friend also from Sydney Nsw, has ordered through bonzaseeds 2x and they were both received by him. Is NSW much easier to receive seeds from online purchases compared to QLD? Good luck guys! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I dont think QLD is any different to other states when it comes to customs. All the same people 'AUSTRALIAN CUSTOMS' . Try to get some seeds from US, CANADA or UK. Dont buy from Holland.
Also dont ask people to send you seeds mate we dont know who the fuck you are.


Well-Known Member

I realize a lot of weird things happens in QLD but border protection is the same.
