Club 600


Well-Known Member
lmao^^ haha right. yea it was probably beautiful before the pressed it. hopfully i find a seed so i can grow it out. but the bagseed cross f1s i made will basically give us an idea.


Well-Known Member
shits hard as a rock man im tellin ya.. its just some good. most of the time you see swagg its all dark green cause its been pressed when wet. this stuffs properly dried and just taste like hurb smells like herb
*as good as swhagg gets i guess..
i like a nice mellow smoke sometimes without getting hit in the head though.

* that big bud right there is like a centemeter wide


Well-Known Member
shits hard as a rock man im tellin ya.. its just some good. most of the time you see swagg its all dark green cause its been pressed when wet. this stuffs properly dried and just taste like hurb smells like herb
*as good as swhagg gets i guess..
i like a nice mellow smoke sometimes without getting hit in the head though.

* that big bud right there is like a centemeter wide
Back in the day I would get this stuff compressed so small you could fit two lbs in your front pocket. I would throw it in the microwave for 15 seconds and it would fluff out and fill a big bag. lol


Well-Known Member
I called my dirt weed dirt weed, because well it had dirt in it. And bark, and sticks and even fuckin styrofoam once. I'd buy a pound and my trimming consisted of removing anything that didnt look like plant!


Well-Known Member
hey sixers!
the kitty cat pulled thru! hes doing good, he has pain meds and stuff still to take, so hes just in his own little world. the vet said they couldnt believe he was doing so good, they really thought he wouldnt make it and so did i. hes a good kitty. ill get a pic of em with his little bandange from the IV in a minute.

dusty cone face.jpgDusty likes whip cream.jpgdusty's bandage.jpg


Well-Known Member
some good "reggie" or "shwagg". 30 buckaroos for a half ounce.. this is the good stuff, dont even see anyseeds. but this is the kind of stuff iv been getting colecting bagseeds from and trying to create a strain out of them i guess you can say. and i just enjoy seeing what it looked like before it was pressed. not to mention it comes from mexico and will grow great in my climate witch is fuckin hot in the summer. very interesting crossing foreighn genotypes! meanin crossing ths shit that comes from mexico with the dank shit supplied from the 6.

pic: bagseed X bagseed
we used to get really good regs here in MI. not pressed down nasty stuff. nice big green stinky buds, but it had seeds and certainly was commercial and in big quanities. ive had some great plants come out of it too. funny, i have a seedling of exactly what im talking about right now, i thought ah what the hell and popped one a week ago. fun plants to grow when they turn out right. usually the more indica ones are the desirable ones.


Well-Known Member
I called my dirt weed dirt weed, because well it had dirt in it. And bark, and sticks and even fuckin styrofoam once. I'd buy a pound and my trimming consisted of removing anything that didnt look like plant!
ive actually found a cat turd in a bag before. no bullshit. i was pissed. ive also found rocks, that sucks ass.


Well-Known Member
worse thing iv found is an ant. but yea this stuff is deff compact theres no play you cant squish it anymore. who ever is growing it is deffinately culling there males though. so that would lead me to believe that whoevers growing it is selective breeding? who knows. iv never grown a hermie.. hope i never do. later in the season ima have a little breeding project should be fun. i already kindof started out of bordom but i need to cocentrate on my main grow first this season. so really idk what the hell im doing, cause i just sprouted a bunch of the bagseed f1s. hopefully they'll show sex before spring gets in gear so i can cull the males and then find a diff bagseed male at the end of the year to pollinate the best one. or something like that. i also have some diff bagseed X EXtrema, that will be interesting.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of these E-cigs vapours. Does any one know if you could use oils in it? Hash oil nol?
The whole family has started using these e-cigs, even got their own "pusher". They buy illegal nicotine from him to put in the cigs. Well i will buy one if i can use it with thc :)?