New Member
That's wassup boss! I think my chances for any exuberant coloration went out the window with my molasses Od and most of my OG fan leaves SMH 

Tasty looking buds!!
That dude has smoked his share of concentrates. lol
Thx bossAnd Damn nice post!
! A 30 degree drop in temps?! How do you feel about that?![]()
Nice post homie! And nice plant for sure! I'd be proud to have that!
But did you notice anything like better growth once you stopped letting the temps swing so much? Or not really?
And how about the synthetic nutes vs. the organic?? What would you have to say contrasting and comparing the two grow techniques?
Well, those plants were not as healthy as my first. I think I had a few minor issues. The cold temps do effect growth vigor IMO, those were getting down into the 50's and probably up to 80-ish. Aside from that I overfed, experienced salt building followed by nutrient lockout due to acidic soil. Those were flushed and feeding was resumed. It was my first experience with synthetic nutes.
My opinion on the two techniques.... Hmmmmm. Well, synthetic is way easier in some ways. No enhanced substrate concoctions, they are cleaner, they don't stink like shit (literally), and they are easy to mix. Depending on the feeding schedule of choice, they can be somewhat complicated with the different nutrient amounts for stages of the flowering cycle, and a major PITA for a perpetual garden.
I mainly went organic to accommodate the simplicity of "just add water", which is why I went the super soil route. My soil mix is technically enriched enough to where I shouldn't have to feed at all if I didn't want to. But, of course, I want more and better so i do feed them and the herd for the added benefits. Can't really overdo it as long as I don't let the PH a crazy ways out of range. As you know, teas stink, they're messy, they suck to clean up after and you can't store them for more than a cpl days even if they're on oxygen. Then there is the added labor of mixing soil in quantities so it can cook. All that said, since making the change I've taken to organics and its still my preference of feeding. I will do a small flood and drain table someday though, SoG style like Al. B. Fuct.
fish emulsion, that's a smell I will never ever forget. that shit smells rank!! one day a long time ago I was mad for whatever reason and in that rage, I picked up the closest thing that was near me and threw that bitch against the side of the house. I will never do that again.. the side of the house smelled like stink pussy for weeks!! lmaoThey should smell pretty earthy haha UNLESS you use the liquid fish!
fish emulsion, that's a smell I will never ever forget. that shit smells rank!! one day a long time ago I was mad for whatever reason and in that rage, I picked up the closest thing that was near me and threw that bitch against the side of the house. I will never do that again.. the side of the house smelled like stink pussy for weeks!! lmao
ya it's the alaskan fish emulsion I was talking about, lol. that smell reminds me of a time when i was a younger and there was no such thing as cellphones. it was all pagers and payphones. so i got a page one day and looked for the nearest payphone. went to use the payphone and, damn!!!, i smelt the most wiked smell a man could ever inhale. it smelled just like some chick took the phone and wiped her nani with it. it was stank!! then later in life when i started growing, i picked up a bottle of fish emulsion. as soon as i smelt it, it brought back memories of that time I used that one pay phone, lol. i will never ever forget that, lmao.Hahaha like a whore house lol!
But none of y'all must have tried the Neptunes Harvest man! Y'all must be talkin about that Alaska Fish Emulsion Mann! I swear the NH ain't that bad! It's fishy yeah, but I use it by like the tsp or 1/2 tsp and cap that bitch up haha!
But what's gravy Dr. G?! How you been boss![]()
hey buddy, all is well. yup, just gearing up and prepping for summerYa doc I haven't seen you around bro, was just wondering the other day where doc was lol.
Hope all is well. I'm gearing up for the summer still![]()