whats the best way to deal with the Hermaphrodites....?

have been doing homework everyone has mixed opinions i thought i had some females but i guess they changed up on me i am 2 1/2 weeks into flowering and i notice some pods today def more pistils then pods though. some say its okay if you remove pods early havent read or heard much on male pod redevelopment some say cut the plant out the grow while i still have the chance and start over?

Noob grower1

Active Member
Ur only choices... I think the best way is spray pods with water (incase they pop there wet)(and do this away from ur grow room) chop the balls (get em ALL) n keep an eye.. out for more orrr get rid of plant.. ide get more suggestions from the pros before makin ur choice! I will b watching this thread. Good topic. U got pics?


Well-Known Member
this early in the game (2.5 weeks) I wold cut it down if it was week 6 I would pull the plants out every other day and go overit then pluck off any nanners


Well-Known Member
you use it as a preventative, have you actually had a confirmed herm that you have successfully used it on???? for 14 bucks I might just keep some around if it actually works. I get a little worried when they put lines like "Those in the know".


Well-Known Member
you use it as a preventative, have you actually had a confirmed herm that you have successfully used it on???? for 14 bucks I might just keep some around if it actually works. I get a little worried when they put lines like "Those in the know".
When I first ordered it it was because some of my girls were starting to get sacks after I lollipopped them, pretty sure it was from the stress.

I bought the spray, put it on them and they went away and I haven't had another problem since. I think it works.


Well-Known Member
awesome, maybe I will get some just to have around
When I first ordered it it was because some of my girls were starting to get sacks after I lollipopped them, pretty sure it was from the stress.

I bought the spray, put it on them and they went away and I haven't had another problem since. I think it works.


Well-Known Member
plucking hermie balls is a project, 1 plant is doable, multiplant setup may be more trouble than it's worth
still, some hermies are supposed to give up the ball production, others keep on churning


Well-Known Member
The best way to deal with a hermaphrodite, is to just walk away as cool as you can bro. :) lolol

I've heard alot of good things about reverse. Dutch masters makes sum good stuff little pricey but work.


yeah im go to shop tommorrow and cop some spray these girls down or should i say shemales lol i will take some pics and post them up tomorrow and then repost again in 2 weeks for whoever is interested in the thread i got some clones coming along on the side so i dont mind experimenting with this product

thank you guys for the advice its greatly appreciated!


Active Member
Reverse chemicals won't cure the problem which is failed genetics. Kill the damn things immediately and eat the loss. You can't use them for cuttings and any pollen that escapes from them is just going to contaminate other plants with junk pollen that will create hermaphrodite seeds.


Well-Known Member
Reverse chemicals won't cure the problem which is failed genetics. Kill the damn things immediately and eat the loss. You can't use them for cuttings and any pollen that escapes from them is just going to contaminate other plants with junk pollen that will create hermaphrodite seeds.
It's really unclear if the cause of the plant hermaphroditing was causes by a environmental issue or genetic.
i believe it was stress i grew this before and had a couple females no problem with no seed in them and no males yet
i just sprayed them yesterday morning and yeah i dont know lets see what happens now if i see any funny shit in 10 days i will pluck them
*WARNING* this dutch reverse stuff reeks too gave me a little nausea
Another question to the experience G rowers the active ingredient in this is potash and phosphate doesn't my flowering fertilizer have the same thing in it?