The best advice you ever got?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone wanted to share some great life advice that they received and how it changed them. For myself it came in the form of a book called "Who moved my Cheese". The book essentially changed my path in life. Before reading it, I was in a place in my life where I could see no options for a better future. I had very little money at my disposal, almost no support and saw only hurdles and road blocks. This book thought me to ignore all the negative voices in my head that told me not to pursue my goals. It illustrated how, even though we may find ourself in a hopeless situation, there is alway a path through the maze of life. We need to keep our skills sharp and not become complacent. We need to not blame anyone else for our situation but be accountable for ourselves. We need to realize, life is not always going to be handed to you, sometimes we need to go out and find your own way.
I set off on my path not knowing where the next meal would come from or if I would have a place to lay my head, and there were times I didn't have either. I have to admit, I wasn't always comfortable on my journey but that experience of going it on my own, thought me to appreciate all that I have.
If I have any advice to give to people who are putting off on going for something because they have told themselves it's impossible, I would say...truly, the number one thing holding you back is the person in the mirror.
Good things come to those who wait. Also I learned you have to take risks in life to be successful. As far as growing the best advise I got was to water and wait two days until next watering. I used to water every other day and had leaves curling but now they are perky :joint:
The best advice i ever got was from my old boss, he told me that even if your not getting paid to do a job you will be rewarded somehow. I kinda took that as a lesson in karma and i try to do anything i can to help others out, whether its stoping to help someone to push a stalled car, or change a tire, all the way to tearing out a kitchen cabinet system in someones house. I do what i can and my life seems to run pretty smooth :):):)
"work harder"

And from my uncle " if something is hard to do, your doing it wrong " Which I'm sure was solely meant for the Bridgeport machine I worked on drilling metal parts but I like to apply it to general everyday life.