How many clones could I get off this ?

Prince Charles

New Member
Off to a good start, this is day 4 but any rough estimates on how many
clones I could pull off an 8 week mother
if I FIM and LST a lot for
the most possible nodes to form ?

View attachment 2543808

Planning to grow this untill 4/20 which would give me approx 8 weeks or so
to grab as many clones as possible to root then send this girl outside.


Well-Known Member
Come on guy. Do you really expect a legit answer for that? You don't even know if it's a girl!


Well-Known Member
based off the picture i would say 44 clones in 8 weeks. .......................................... ..... ............... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .:dunce:


Well-Known Member
F**k me sideways... You have got to be kidding... Hell, while we're at it.. I've got a few beans of some killer hashberry, how many can i get off them.. LMFFAOx10


Well-Known Member
Is the lighting fucked up, or does the leaf at the 4:30-5 o'clock position have more than a slight issue with it?


Maybe I didnt dig deep enough in the forums - If not I appoligize; however I am still unable to find out how to actually take an unknown seed (Bag seed) and take clones off it. Obviously I want to know if its a Female or not, so I know I have to send it into flower, but I have read a lot about how taking clones from plants in flowering is hard to do. Is this true? When I know its a she, do I take my cuttings immediatly after she shows sex? Still confussed. Thanks and sorry for the ignorat question.


Active Member
Maybe I didnt dig deep enough in the forums - If not I appoligize; however I am still unable to find out how to actually take an unknown seed (Bag seed) and take clones off it. Obviously I want to know if its a Female or not, so I know I have to send it into flower, but I have read a lot about how taking clones from plants in flowering is hard to do. Is this true? When I know its a she, do I take my cuttings immediatly after she shows sex? Still confussed. Thanks and sorry for the ignorat question.
Basically veg it out a little. Take a few clones off of it and toss it into flower. If its female keep the clones and veg them out. If male toss everything and start again.

Prince Charles

New Member
i'm not a fucking idiot. i'm asking how many clones could I take off that plant WHEN IT HITS 8 WEEKS.
....just gave that picture to show i'm not a bullshitter like half the kids on these forums.
.... A NORMAL 8 WEEK MOTHER..... not the fucking seedling I have there


Well-Known Member
Disagreed, citing:

Plants grown from feminized seed that show female flowers can certainly become pollinated if they are grown around male plants...because male plants have pollen and female plants kind of live for it. If that happens, the plants don't 'turn male', rather they develop fruit (seed) which is what every female cannabis plant is on a mission to do.

But, exactly as HumboldtHealer said; feminized seeds can also actually turn out to be plants with primarily male flowers/no female flowers at all... or hermaphrodites with both male and female flowers. You most likely don't want males or hermaphrodites because they'll pollinate the females (or female flowers in the case of a hermie), thereby initiating seed formation. Many seed companies are going to say 100% guaranteed female or whatever; but if you live in the US or most other countries you're ordering a product with gray legal status at best and can't honestly even expect replacement seeds in most cases.

I grew out a pack of T.H. Seeds S.A.G.E. and I don't remember if I any of those were the culprits but I definitely had a bunch of other 'feminized' seeds either develop male flowers or just plain turn out to be male. I cloned S.A.G.E females grown from feminized seed for multiple generations without issue so far. Just finishing the last of them up actually, planning on getting more seeds though because I do like the strain. I haven't ordered any more fem seeds, only regular and that's all I plan to get in the future.
citing came from:

Prince Charles

New Member
didn't know people on this shit would be so ignorant from asking 1 simple question.. so i'll ask again....
how many clones is normal to take off a healthy 8 week mother and still being able to leave the main
stalks on it


Active Member
didn't know people on this shit would be so ignorant from asking 1 simple question.. so i'll ask again....
how many clones is normal to take off a healthy 8 week mother and still being able to leave the main
stalks on it
You're better off asking when you have an actual pic of a plant to show us. All we can do now is guess which if you know your shit you can too. Get it? It all comes down to how well you grow the plant. For all we know it will die next week or could grow 4 inches. Be patient man and don't think to far ahead.

Edit: If "healthy" and at 8 weeks you should be able to grab 40+ clones no problem.


Well-Known Member
i'm not a fucking idiot. i'm asking how many clones could I take off that plant WHEN IT HITS 8 WEEKS.
....just gave that picture to show i'm not a bullshitter like half the kids on these forums.
.... A NORMAL 8 WEEK MOTHER..... not the fucking seedling I have there
Well, you show us some pitiful fuckin" seedling that looks like it's in too big a pot for starters and ask how much? Just cause it's femenized doesn't mean you can't fuck it up and either turn it male or kill it. You didn't specify it was a fem seed. Chill out if you want peoples help. Nobody can say how much? You never said what kind of plant, soil, hydro, lighting.


Well-Known Member
Well, you show us some pitiful fuckin" seedling that looks like it's in too big a pot for starters and ask how much? Just cause it's femenized doesn't mean you can't fuck it up and either turn it male or kill it. You didn't specify it was a fem seed. Chill out if you want peoples help. Nobody can say how much? You never said what kind of plant, soil, hydro, lighting.
I really don't feel like contributing anything semi-useful since the OP is a dickbag, so here's my last contribution:

I noticed your join date :-| I'm new to this site as well and am certainly not a pro.

At that age, its any1s guestimate.... 10, 20, 30, 40 Just take your time and grow! Every plant will be different from the next, we cannot judge the unknown?

As for findn the sex.... When I want to keep a plant to mother but 1st need to know if its even a she...... Just as previous post says "iSmokealottaweed" said, just send it into flowering BUT with the intent to trick it back to vegn". Take clones 1st if you'd like, your call.....

Carefull tho, this takes time, so if you don't got it, don't waste it. Some strains tend to get overwhelmed by this method and go into shock and could take a couple weeks sometimes even longer to bounce back b4 any new growth begins to appear again.

When its got at least 3-4 sets of leafs
1st make sure he/she is fed/watered.
2nd put he/she in all dark for 24hours
Then when you take it out, 1 of 2 things will tell you the sex
If it has red hairs, its male/obvious
If it has white hairs, its a girl/obvious..... Now, if you'd like to mother her and not continue flower her, I use CFL's for this just cause of the long duration that they need to be left on. Leave her under lights 24/7 for as long as it takes till you see new growth again. Like I said, carefull tho, this method is a set back for most.

Good Luck!