Club 600


Well-Known Member
Uhh maybe cause its an outdoor growing in the winter time...
Asking a rhetorical question just to be an asshole is different than being honest.


Well-Known Member
stop the fucking grab ass back and forth here. This is a club about giving and sahring knowledge, not leaving fuck yiou posts for poeple. How old are we?


Well-Known Member
All I'm saying if someone grows some weed that looks fucked up I'm going to ask why. I see that shit all the time people are like giving compliments to people who obviously have serious health issues with their plants. "Great looking plants man!" and they will have deficiency symptoms all over the place or like burns and stuff. If I post weed that looks fucked up I WANT YOU TO TELL ME. Maybe I don't know my bud doesn't look right? You know? Maybe people will think I'm asking a "rhetorical" question because its so obvious their weed looks fucked up... This is life. Not everyone is going to like you for whatever reason. I'm sorry if you don't like me, but I'm gonna do what I do.


Well-Known Member
So my kids beds got delivered 20 min ago, and I smoked out the delivery dude.
He saw the tent in my dining room and the house smelled like weed, so he brought it up and showed pics of his grow to me lol.


Well-Known Member
My new elec eBill came today
Last month was $250!
I get energy assistance that takes like 1/3 off. So those are after discount
I am running more now than then.
What gives?
They just charge whatever they want I guess.
I told the wife last months bill was too high and I didnt use that much, now it seems too low, but Ill take that lol.


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon everyone bongsmilie Heres a cookie cutter update from my journal for you all :-D

​Day 18

BnS x SB1

BnS x BnS

BnS x SB2


MVK on left and a 3D o the right, put in here for sexing but Iv just decided to flower them, they are both female. I also have one of each in veg, both females.

Nighty night bongsmilie

Good morning Vert :hump:

Day 19

This ?p x BK is really juicing up :-D Smells great.

Squat BP nugget.

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209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
So my kids beds got delivered 20 min ago, and I smoked out the delivery dude.
He saw the tent in my dining room and the house smelled like weed, so he brought it up and showed pics of his grow to me lol.
:mrgreen: funny how Mary j, or sports can make two people-, that don't know each other, become friends after a smoke out or game.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
My new elec eBill came today
Last month was $250!
I get energy assistance that takes like 1/3 off. So those are after discount
I am running more now than then.
What gives?
They just charge whatever they want I guess.
I told the wife last months bill was too high and I didnt use that much, now it seems too low, but Ill take that lol.
Bass did you get that elec dicount , after I told you about that? Or you already had it?


Well-Known Member
hey whodat,in that bns x sb1 & bns x sb2........was the bns the same mom?

just off of them pics id say yes,and i like the bns x sb1 more,looks like it kept tight node spaceing,with some fast onset of frost,id say that is from the (sb1 dad)

the sb2 male,looks like its just adding stretch....i could be wrong tho.

bns x bns looks spot on to the first time i seen you grow her....thats a good thing..big ol buds.


Well-Known Member
I had 2 bns mother very similar to each other, but I cant remember if I used the same mom for all the SB crosses... I had like 3-4 crosses on each mother lol (selective branches and pollen.) Hard to say whats going on, may just be adding stretch but they smell different, I really like the smell of the SB2 cross.

I may just eat all the beans crossed with sb3 lol not sure what I was thinking with that one (oober stretchy) I guess I though it might make ultra high quality or something lol... I dont have any sb3 crosses running ATM.


Well-Known Member
So my kids beds got delivered 20 min ago, and I smoked out the delivery dude.
He saw the tent in my dining room and the house smelled like weed, so he brought it up and showed pics of his grow to me lol.
Ahahaha, I lol'ed. Everybody's doin it! How did his grow look? lol A potential collective for cutting exchange? ahahah

My new elec eBill came today
Last month was $250!
I get energy assistance that takes like 1/3 off. So those are after discount
I am running more now than then.
What gives?
They just charge whatever they want I guess.
I told the wife last months bill was too high and I didnt use that much, now it seems too low, but Ill take that lol.
Did it say if it was an actual read on the bill? Sometimes they don't read the meter and base your usage off from what you did the year previous. Just a though!


Well-Known Member
Ahahaha, I lol'ed. Everybody's doin it! How did his grow look? lol A potential collective for cutting exchange? ahahah

Did it say if it was an actual read on the bill? Sometimes they don't read the meter and base your usage off from what you did the year previous. Just a though!
He has just one strain right now and that Kens GDP.
It looked good from the pics, but what do I know I am blind!

I have Kens cut, but I dont know the authenticity yet.

I dont know if it was estimated or read actually.
Thats a good point.
I never really look at the elec bill since the girl pays it.
Ill check it out.


Well-Known Member
He has just one strain right now and that Kens GDP.
It looked good from the pics, but what do I know I am blind!

I have Kens cut, but I dont know the authenticity yet.

I dont know if it was estimated or read actually.
Thats a good point.
I never really look at the elec bill since the girl pays it.
Ill check it out.
Plus if you're on that average pay plan or whatever they sometimes come back after 6 months readjust it, and charge you what you went over on the average. That's how my gas bill is anyway. I just pay what I owe every month on electric though.