caught case

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roger v

legal definition for marijuana . means all parts plant cannabis sativa. so they came in my house with out a warrant violated my 4th amenment.I threaten some one they came to my house with a pick up warrant body onley .stumble accross 28 plants.I forgot i was taken into custody out side my house i seen them comming on my camera. long story short .the plants were indica. so I was thinking of using the legal meaning of marijuana as my defence .I got the idea from weed wars a guy name b e smith was on there he is well knowen .bongsmilieIam in callifornia will they bring me back to minnesota were this happen ok i have bad gramer and spelling so what .fuck you Its been 30 days no charges yet what do you think


Well-Known Member
I don't feel bad for you. Your grammar is fucking terrible. Redo first grade, then come back and tell us your story.

Sorry for being a dick, but damn!


Well-Known Member
Nope, you are fucked. For some odd reason all Cannabis is scienticifically called Sativa. So Indica is actually
Cannabis Sativa var. Indica
and Sativas are
Cannabis Sativa var Sativa

It used to be that there was also
Cannabis Sativa var afghanica untill that was formed into indica.

I think eventually they will remove one Sativa.


Well-Known Member
contgrats we saw weed country too.. sure no one has ever thought of the defense..
the feds dont give a ratts ass they are making money on both sides of this issue..

this guy ( Marc Emery )was selling seeds.. charged with selling cannabis seeds.

serving 5 now


Well-Known Member
Won't work......this idea has been around for 30+ years and doesn't fly. Sorry for the bad news.... but the legal explanation has been expanded to include indica, sativa and ruderalis.


Ursus marijanus
I don't feel bad for you. Your grammar is fucking terrible. Redo first grade, then come back and tell us your story.

Sorry for being a dick, but damn!
You are my evil twin. Bones is standing by in the transporter room to fix us. cn


bud bootlegger
contgrats we saw weed country too.. sure no one has ever thought of the defense..
the feds dont give a ratts ass they are making money on both sides of this issue..

this guy ( Marc Emery )was selling seeds.. charged with selling cannabis seeds.

serving 5 now
beat me to it gioua.. yea, we all saw weed country last night as well.. tell eb thanks for his idea next time you see him.. :D


Well-Known Member
bahahahaha, was 'that' the episode with all those fuzzy critters that took over the Enterprise?


Well-Known Member
rumor going around that dispensaries are forced to toss out mis labled MMJ people have been scoring big time in the back of dispensaries dumpsters..

I know one guy here who found 1 lb of keif


Well-Known Member
bahahahaha, was 'that' the episode with all those fuzzy critters that took over the Enterprise?
really I am not a dork.. we just had less crap to watch back then



Ursus marijanus
No; that was "The Trouble with Tribbles". The good/evil split episode was one of the early ones, "The Enemy Within". We got a preview of the seriously hammy side of Wm. Shatner, the one that thought redoing "The Candy Man" like some Beat poet on waaay too much Robitussin was a good idea. cn



Active Member
Ur fucked come up with a better defense and a lawyer. If u aint spending money on staying out then your going in. Its not that bad u get 3 meals a day a place to sleep and free clothes lmfao. hopefully they don't send to prison cuz will be in school all day.


Well-Known Member
u gotta prove to them that's it wasn't for profit
And this folks is why should only be in this game these days when you have a license to care for others (caregiver) -- even if caught "selling" you have a viable defense that you donate marijuana to patients... remember to have at least one patient that you at least donate to them sometimes.. they can testify on your behalf.
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