My first PC Grow Journal. Heres the start.


Active Member
i planted three seeds, but somehow, i found 4 of them growing in this shit.... lol what happened?
(the batteries are to mark where the germinated seeds are in the dirt.)


I transferred from some small single containers into this, easier to retain water, added lots more coco huss :)


Active Member
you gOt twins lol...
How long did they take to sprout?
about 4 days.
they are beasts now :)
they're growing crazy fast!
i have the soil planter thing tilted back about a half inch and they are LST by themselves!
i figured since pplants grow towards the light it would work, and boy did it ever!
have a perfect curve and growing mighty!


More amps does not necessarily mean more dissipated power, if the fans draw 12V there will be a specific amperage that the motor draws under full load and even if you are supplying more than is required it will not use the extra current available. Personally I would invest in a fan controller and electronic thermometer and adjust the fan speed to the temps you want that way keeping RPM at minimum and reducing noise as well.


Active Member
More amps does not necessarily mean more dissipated power, if the fans draw 12V there will be a specific amperage that the motor draws under full load and even if you are supplying more than is required it will not use the extra current available. Personally I would invest in a fan controller and electronic thermometer and adjust the fan speed to the temps you want that way keeping RPM at minimum and reducing noise as well.
That's a good idea, but I don't have the money to spend on a controller. And my temps are fine. As explained in an earlier post, I found a easy way to avoid anybody hearing the pc fans


Active Member
Newest Update, i have no clue why, but the smallest one is already covered in rez looking stuff? its not water....



Well-Known Member
No idea what that is on your lil one...definitely not normal. Is that one of the ones that had 2 sprouts come from it? If it's mold/fungus I'd be worried about it spreading to the other girls.

I know you didn't ask about this, but I noticed from your temperature gauge, you really need to get the temps down. If it's running at 93F as the low end and 99F as the high end in a 24hr period you're going to fry your girls. Mid 80s should be the upper end....with mid 70s as your ideal goal.


Active Member
Okay I got the same setup man and flowering now use light trap boxes over the fans and on the panel if light shows ther3 I I use magnet stripsand on the frontI took the front case of and I put aluminum tape all over every hole and snapped back on so it's still stealth on your fans whatever you wanted to make surethat the cell phone charger or whatever you wired it to is has same volts the light traps cut noise too