The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Yeh working aways proper shit ain't it I was in london last year for fookin ages had to teach the misses how to treat the ladies let me tell ya that wasn't easy


Well-Known Member
Yeh working aways proper shit ain't it I was in london last year for fookin ages had to teach the misses how to treat the ladies let me tell ya that wasn't easy


no quicker way to kill a plant than to let someone else look after them , walked that path , walked the ``wheres the fuckin fans gone ? ``path , apparently the internet said to pull off all the fans ................ or the other fave `` they looked done so i chopped them `` , this would have been cool had they not been at 4.5 weeks out of 8 and the fucktard had never seen a plant in flower before


Well-Known Member
Yeh working aways proper shit ain't it I was in london last year for fookin ages had to teach the misses how to treat the ladies let me tell ya that wasn't easy
I been doin it for years m8, just a way of life to me now. Jobs around home just don't gimme enuf hours or money


Well-Known Member

no quicker way to kill a plant than to let someone else look after them , walked that path , walked the ``wheres the fuckin fans gone ? ``path , apparently the internet said to pull off all the fans ................ or the other fave `` they looked done so i chopped them `` , this would have been cool had they not been at 4.5 weeks out of 8 and the fucktard had never seen a plant in flower before
Ha ha ha fuck that mate.nag the misses is a gooden an it was only a week or 2 at a time.god if I came home and shed chopped it think id chop her fuckin fanny off lol


Well-Known Member
we had a convo

`` look at the crystals on it ``
`` its the white hairs you fuckin tard , there the hairs ``
`` oh , i thought they were the crystals ``

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Not while i'm walking hadrians wall they aint. here's one for you, the national trust are actually advising people not to walk down just the middle of the wall as it's wearing a deep groove in the fucker and it won'rt be safe if it continues.

i bet hadrian's sat up there pissing himself.


Well-Known Member
that bi i sent you had lost all smell and flavour almost but still got you high right? i think you can prolong, by freezing but i could be wrong.

mornin fella
yeah still got me stoned but like ya say lost smell n flavour, thats what i thought cure then freeze to preserve its just me dad dont smoke n thinks hes got the best of the bes cause some has been curing 9mnths lmao i told him 6month is ya max n even then i thought it was best to do a 8-12wk cure? but i never cure lol just a 7day dry n gone so dont no all that much bout curing.