My First Grow. 2 Weeks In. Unknown Bud

This is my first grow from a seed (I have no idea what kind of bud it is). The plant is 16 days since germination.
Planted in Miracle Grow w/ MicroMax (whatever that means)
Watering the plant with tap water. Been letting it sit before using it to water.

I take pictures of it everyday, and have been keeping a lite journal of anything I notice or change.
Here is my setup:

I have TWO 26W Reveal CFLs lighting my grow box. My quick light test says it gives off 2000lumens. 24/7.
I haven't put it on a light cycle yet.

Its equipped with a small intake and exhaust fan, which can be seen in the photo.
The temperature has been around 90degrees constantly. (Haven't figured out a way to regulate it more, other than another fan.)

I've been trying to grow this one straight, without any nutes or extra grow tactics. I just want to get the overall biology of growing down. I have another seed germing, that I will focus more on the scientific aspect of growing to note the differences.

I'm concerned with a number of things about this plant:
1) Its size. I'm not sure if it's growing correctly or not. I measured it at 1.5in height and 2.5in width.
2) IDK what type of bud it is so I'm not sure the growth cycle I'm looking at. What would be typical under the conditions?
3) My biggest concern was the yellowing of the bottom leaves, but now with the knowledge they are cotyledons, I'm fine.

Would love you guys opinion on the nature of the grow so far, and what problems you may see, and/if how they can be fixed.

I'm attaching more photos just for general info on the plant:
IMG_9366c.jpgphoto 1.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 4.jpg

I'm currently building a bigger box to move my grows too. It is 2ft7 H x 2ft L and 2ft W.



Active Member
I wish other people would use your strategy. Get the basics down and work from there. Its a great method.
Your plants have a deep color; dense chlorophyll stacks.. nice, tight internodes... They're doing great.
I have a feeling this grow is going to teach you quite a bit.
Next time, try mixing your own soil to learn about that, after that, start manipulating the growth of the plants.
You're a natural dude.
O I forgot to mention, those little proto leaves that are yellowing are the cotyledons. They act like a food reserve for the plant, they get the plant growing from the start. They wither away naturally. They are fine. :-P


New Member
Growing in boxes..PC cases...whatever...any inclosed space is gonna b a problem filled difficult I've said many times before....looks cool on you tube but go ahead n give it a shot....not so what size pot u plan on finishing in???
Growing in boxes..PC cases...whatever...any inclosed space is gonna b a problem filled difficult I've said many times before....looks cool on you tube but go ahead n give it a shot....not so what size pot u plan on finishing in???
No. I haven't been watching youtube. So much nonsense to go through. Who is a grow authority on youtube to check out?
This 1ft5in x 1ft5in x 7in computer box is only being used until I get my second box completed which is 2ft 7in H x 2ft W x 2ft L. I posted a picture of it in my original post:

2ft 7inches isn't high enough?
And I have a 2gallon bucket I'm moving it to once it's ready.
excuse me..i don't know in exactly which forum to ask 1st is that lamp suitable for grow box!
2nd after 2 weeks of 24/7 veg period what should be the next light period!? 16 hours of light and 8 of dark or 8 hours of light and 16 of dark ?! please help today i will put my little plant in bigger pot!!
IDK yo. It looks like the same type CFL bulb. But I don't remember the specifics other than mine is 26W.


Well-Known Member
I checked your 44day post out. Looking good. What are the dimensions of your grow space?
I'm trying to get a feel for what would be adequate. I dont have the resources or space to devote an entire room or even a closet.
I understand, you have to work within the constraints of your environment. I was fortunate to have access to a closet that is 2' X 3' x 10' where I could install HID lighting. I've seen many growers work within your box dimensions using CFLs. I will let other RIU members that have more experience with box grows advise you. Good luck.