Cory and trevor
Well-Known Member
My mom is in a spot, she has been waiting to try medical marijuana until she can draw off her 401K and retire because her employer has a random testing procedure in place. I know all about the will to work, cards don't play against employers and all that so please keep on subject here; the question I am asking is has anyone ever talked to their employer about their medical need and gotten a good response? Has anyone ever been tested randomly at work where policy is in place to fire you and had an exception made for them? She now has multiple ulcers from the meds she takes for arthritis and degenrative discs so her list of meds that she is legal to take and won't be in trouble at work for (funny, with a script they let her use vic and oxy at work, but they are off the list now due to stomach issues anyway so moot point but ironic still) is getting tiny. she really wants to try medical marihuana, I have a great cbd strain for her to try when she can but the risk is what it is, I was hoping to gain some insight into how to work with an HR person if anyone has had a positive outcome. P.S. doctor bob, please stay out; thanks.