Root issue


Active Member
So after a 4 day power outage I've been having some issues with 3 of my girls. I'm currently running a 4x4 with a 600 hps. It's a DWC system with individual buckets. I was running technaflora Nutes. But switched to house and garden base Nutes 2 weeks ago. I also use sensi zyme big bud and bud candy. I hope that's enough info on my set up.
The issue I'd my roots mostly on just one plant but slightly on 2 more. The roots darkened up and started to get slimey so I started using h2o2 and sm 90. I trimmed all dead matter from the one that is plagued more than the other 2. And there was a burst of regrowth. Today I go Che k them out and this is what I find.

what the hell?


Well-Known Member
Did you have a wank on your roots? (jking) Sorry I have no idea what's up with it.



Well-Known Member
So after a 4 day power outage I've been having some issues with 3 of my girls. I'm currently running a 4x4 with a 600 hps. It's a DWC system with individual buckets. I was running technaflora Nutes. But switched to house and garden base Nutes 2 weeks ago. I also use sensi zyme big bud and bud candy. I hope that's enough info on my set up.
The issue I'd my roots mostly on just one plant but slightly on 2 more. The roots darkened up and started to get slimey so I started using h2o2 and sm 90. I trimmed all dead matter from the one that is plagued more than the other 2. And there was a burst of regrowth. Today I go Che k them out and this is what I find.

what the hell?

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
I just picked up some DNF "Hydro Sparkle", the guy at the shop swears that it'll fix all that slimy shit.

Good luck.