Plants in same point talk to each other....WTF


So one part of this study that really got my brain working was the roots growth towards the sound made at 220Hz, ... So just a hypothesis ... Lets start a brand new tree starts out in the wild right .. As it starts to grow and explore its environment it hears other roots that have all found there way to a water source like a under ground stream or something so when the plants roots growing lets say the water is east of the plant and when therplant hears lets say a lot more roots east of it cause other Trees have grown lots of roots there to mine the water can it pin point and than grow towards where the water is ?


one last hypothesis is that this study could aid in advanced hydro systems .. by possibly tricking the plant to grow there roots away from the drains in systems by producing a 220Hz sound on the side of the system that does not house the drain ?


Well-Known Member
So one part of this study that really got my brain working was the roots growth towards the sound made at 220Hz, ... So just a hypothesis ... Lets start a brand new tree starts out in the wild right .. As it starts to grow and explore its environment it hears other roots that have all found there way to a water source like a under ground stream or something so when the plants roots growing lets say the water is east of the plant and when therplant hears lets say a lot more roots east of it cause other Trees have grown lots of roots there to mine the water can it pin point and than grow towards where the water is ?
Hhmm.. My question would be if this study of the 220hz sound was meant for all plant types or just the ones used in the study?


Hhmm.. My question would be if this study of the 220hz sound was meant for all plant types or just the ones used in the study?
Very good point . Which lead me to some more question's.. So How would I run a test on ganja. To see what sounds if any the plant produces ? Does anybody know of a device that measures sound frequency that would work well for this application .. If I were to run my own experiment would I need to build a sound prof box ?


Well-Known Member
Very good point . Which lead me to some more question's.. So How would I run a test on ganja. To see what sounds if any the plant produces ? Does anybody know of a device that measures sound frequency that would work well for this application .. If I were to run my own experiment would I need to build a sound prof box ?
Goodluck on this experiment, the only thing I can help with would be "what device is needed?" --You'd probably need an Oscilloscope Scopemeter.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
220hz you say? Funny enough that's very near or spot on most heavy sounding snares. So all this Dubstep and Electro I've been making right beside the plants has turned out to be the right wave haha. Got a £900 subwoofer right beside them :)

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
Anyone interested in this type of info, and much more crazy stuff about plants, get the books "secret life of plants" and "secrets of the soil"

Really trippy stuff.