Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
thats not good advice. epson salt bath is not good for tight muscles. that kind of bath involves hot water, in order for the salt to dissolve somewhat, and as mentioned, hot and tight muscles is bad. using a cold compress is good.
You're likely right. Just works for me when im sore. Also how could machete be wrong?


Well-Known Member
I lived at the gym for 6 years of my life. I took steroids, I was a meathead. I know a little something about what works and what doesn't, and what's good for you and what's not. But you keep putting on those heat packs on tight muscles, and if that's you in the picture, I can see why heat packs work for you.

I will have to find my picture with Wanderlei Silva, where I pretty much tower over him.... he being a 205 pound light heavyweight, me be much larger.


Well-Known Member
Back sore? It's quite an easy fix, put your wang in a girls mouth.. I don't know why but your back stops hurting

Total Head

Well-Known Member
thats not good advice. epson salt bath is not good for tight muscles. that kind of bath involves hot water, in order for the salt to dissolve somewhat, and as mentioned, hot and tight muscles is bad. using a cold compress is good.

i fucking love this stuff. it's no magic bullet but it helps when my mushy ass goes crazy with the snow shovel. sometimes i'll wait 10 minutes and follow up with aspercreme. the epsom lotion seems to make the aspercreme work better, but honestly it's probably because of the aleve i pop 30 minutes ahead of time. either way it makes me feel better. sometimes i'll throw some tiger balm into the mix. i love that stuff. it doesn't make the pain go away but it feels good anyway.


Well-Known Member
since it was bde he was banned again

in another note BEST LUNCH EVER
I was seriously looking for a free-for-all in the tomatojuana thread.. but I do understand the headache, and why it got stripped. Hope your day is going well sunni!


Well-Known Member
tomato,cuccumber salad with fresh basil ^_^
and 2 tablespoons hummas and homemade pita chips oh..and 710mL corona :bigjoint:
i want to make love to you while sleeping on a bed of cucumbers. sliced of course.

hmm, that was an awkward thought.