Thinking of Moving to Alaska^^

nice pics as I type this I am sitting in a taxidermy shop and the attached Lodge both are full of those animals. I have my first fox to skin hanging over their. This is a wonderful state but my three month stay ends next week.:sad:
all im saying is that alaska used to be a great place before all the wanna be gangbangers and other POS people started showing up. Maybe im a bit racist but hey this is alaska so go fuck yourselves. I was born here and Im tired of seeing stupid people come up here and destroy what i grew up with.
Thats what sucks about living in Atown. There is only a handfull of homeless in Fairbanks obviously cause its usually-15 to -50 in the winter. In the summer ppl come up from the villages to the big towns. Although there is a majority that live in free housing and get dividends every month, there is good hard working ones.. I know a few. And yeah alot of lower 48 gang and drug dealers have come up here cause for hard drugs go for 10x the price. And its alot harder for cops to catch them because there is no corner boys you have to know someone
The days are getting noticibly longer and before you know it we will have daylight til 11 pm, breakup is right around the corner then ...FISHING!!!! ...and planting guerrilla grows.
Might have to pick some noggins here.

I am a lifelong Ak'n and recently I have got into growing n smoking. Dunno why it took me half my life, really, but I am looking forward to my first stealth grow.
I just got bds royal flush and have been waiting for a combo stealth grow to show up in the mail. I suppose I should have researched here first but I got impatient and had a hydro 2' & 3' box combo.... now onto researching more on hydro growing. Any pointers for a noob?
I just got bds royal flush and have been waiting for a combo stealth grow to show up in the mail. I suppose I should have researched here first but I got impatient and had a hydro 2' & 3' box combo.... now onto researching more on hydro growing. Any pointers for a noob?

Look for Krondizzle on here. Don't know where he went. He's here in AK. Where are you and what kind of help do you need? I'm doing DWC near Mat Su.
Look for Krondizzle on here. Don't know where he went. He's here in AK. Where are you and what kind of help do you need? I'm doing DWC near Mat Su.

I think id rather keep a degree of anonymity on my location for now. Still a bit leary of comming out as a smoker I guess...

I dont know what DWC is, pardon my noobness. :)
The research I have done protrays hodroponics being the most efficient method in yield and time to harvest. But with the initial investment in the seeds and equipnent, Im a bit nervous about messing up.
Look for Krondizzle on here. Don't know where he went. He's here in AK. Where are you and what kind of help do you need? I'm doing DWC near Mat Su.

Kron got canned - he couldn't help himself & kept shooting his mouth off insulting/harassing others.
He won't be back under that name.

The research I have done protrays hodroponics being the most efficient method in yield and time to harvest. But with the initial investment in the seeds and equipnent, Im a bit nervous about messing up.

You're gonna have to be a bit more specific if you need help - pictures are the best way of getting good info. One word of caution I would have is to not use your smart phone for pics - there are typically geo tags attached to these files & info can be gleaned from that.
Again, I'm not a hydro guy but I hang a bit in this side of the forum & will help where I can.
Kron got canned - he couldn't help himself & kept shooting his mouth off insulting/harassing others.
He won't be back under that name.

You're gonna have to be a bit more specific if you need help - pictures are the best way of getting good info. One word of caution I would have is to not use your smart phone for pics - there are typically geo tags attached to these files & info can be gleaned from that.
Again, I'm not a hydro guy but I hang a bit in this side of the forum & will help where I can.

Thanks for the phone tip. After looking it up the dwc method seems best but now I am floundering between converting a closet and buying a tent...
I'm not in AK. I'm in WA. but I am a hydro grower. hotrodharley is competent in damn near every kind of growing and is where you are. I would help if I can but ya have a master grower there.
Thanks. I would like to get to know hhh a bit better. I hate that imma hands on learner: text and photos are one thing but doing it is another. Just want to be perfect at it, want the perf results with everything I do.
Thanks for the phone tip. After looking it up the dwc method seems best but now I am floundering between converting a closet and buying a tent...

I just got bds royal flush and have been waiting for a combo stealth grow to show up in the mail. I suppose I should have researched here first but I got impatient and had a hydro 2' & 3' box combo.... now onto researching more on hydro growing. Any pointers for a noob?

I don't get it.
Did you order a tent or not ?