BigGuyTok'n's Outdoor Grow 2008


Well-Known Member
It's been a few days since I updated so here is an update on the inside babies.
I trimmed off the fan leaves on some of the plants and they are all filling in quite nicely. The anorexic cheerleaders grew some bigger pom-poms, lol:roll:.
BR1 looks so much diferent without the tall mutant leaf in the center, but her leaves still look strange shaped.
BR2 also had her fan leaves cut off and looks like a beautiful little bush.
K6 has made a great comeback from her former stick figure.
The Lowryders are all filling in nicely, the runt (LR3) has even grown some.
WR3 is still quite sparse but I think she'll be fine.
WR5 has recovered great from the LST mishap and I should be able to tie her down again soon as it is working great for WR6.
WR6 has responded excellently to the LST and has bushed out great (kinky bondage babe:roll:).
If I decide to grow out any of these babies indoors, it will be WR5 & 6 because of their nice growth and low odor.:weed::mrgreen::bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Wow. The group looks great, but WR6 is gunna be a champ!

Glad to see the LST is having the right effect
Thanks, yeah WR6 is making me proud.
When the Lowryder's and the last Kahuna move out I think I'll put her and the Black Rose and maybe WR5 into larger pots and keep them inside for the rest of their veg period.
LR1, LR5 and K6 are going to be moving out real soon.:bigjoint:
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Well-Known Member
do you know if you could take a fem. LR. and any other plant. you think it what comes from seed would be an autoflowering plant?

just wondering if it can happen


Active Member
looking forward to see how this turns out cause im also growing outdoors.. but i am growing blue lightning its a 12/12 strain. so really dont do much to it but harvest about every 8 weeks


Well-Known Member
Hey big guy,

Thanks for checkin my grow out your ladies have made some nice improvements since the first couple of days. Lookin sexy. i read your whole log, good records and updates. as for your pest problem outside i remember researching and hearing from an older grower that mixing some fresh garlic and water to spritz them with helps with little pests, research it im not 100% sure but it rings a bell, hopefully that works better then the tobacco spray. im subscribed and you can check out my first grow if u got the time bro... keep up the good work can't wait to see them trees :leaf::):peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm going to try to do a quick update as I don't have much time before I have to leave for work (work = something I don't do too often if I can help it, but it pays good).
Thanks everybody for the comments, tips, and for stopping by. I'll get back to you on some of it.
BR1 is still strange but growing well, just doesn't really look like pot:roll:.
BR2 is looking awesome. I tied back her side branches for her to get more light to the center and it's working well.
K6 has seriously bushed out and I may have even seen preflowers but too soon to be definative.
The LR's are filling in excellently and I think there may be preflowers there as well.
WR5 and especially WR6 are looking sooooo sexy, they get me all excited.:hump:
Well here are the pics and I'll catch you all later.:peace::mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Looking excellent mate! Still cant quite get my head around BR1 lol but shes growing fine so doesnt matter lol. Keep it up man!


Well-Known Member
I was pleasantly surprised to see my LR's getting white hairs (LR1 & LR5).:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
I am still getting used to this new camera, so I had a hard time getting the close-ups of the hairy tops, but I finally got some after three tries.
LR3 (The Runt) finally started growing and I expected to see some new leaves, but instead I see she has hairs around a solid little center. She isn't more than about three inches tall so I'd assume that harvest on her will be extremely small, but it will be interesting to say the least.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Well the two LR's that were the largest and have all those nice hairs forming on them (LR1 & LR5) along with the last of the Kahuna's (K6) have all been moved outside as of last night.
Here are some pics of the inside girls from today.
The other two LR's that are still inside (LR2 & LR3) are both forming hairs as well, but I don't feel that they are ready for outside just yet. Or possibly ever as far as LR3 "The Mini-Bud" is concerned.
WR5 & WR6 are growing like gangbusters (oops I probably just dated myself again).:peace:
I've been doing a lot of LST work on them lately, as you can see they are responding extremely well to it.



Well-Known Member
nice looking grow man! Im growing some white rhinos too from BDS. Good luck! Ill be checking back!
Cheers for stopping by HappyGrower, I'll be keeping an eye on your grow too.
wat is lr3 bro?
clue me in
I've got three different strains growing, WR = White Rhino, BR = Black Rose, K = Kahuna, and LR = LowRyder#2.
I have 7 Kahuna's (#1-7), 5 White Rhino's, 5 LowRyder#2, and 2 Black Rose.
So LR3 is the third of the Lowryder#2's, just my coding system for the babies.
Thanks for stopping by again Jason.:peace:
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Well-Known Member
I just got done editing the pics I took when I went up tonight to water the outside babies.
The way some of them are growing I won't be able to call them "babies" for much longer.
K1 is about 12' tall with a stem that is almost a half inch thick. I tried to get a pic of it but all three pics came out with just showing her height and lush foliage.
K3 has a stem that almost rivals K1's.
The three girls (K1, LR1, & LR5) that I put out two days ago are looking great and forming more hairs at at least 2 bud sites each.
The one Lowryder that was already outside (LR4) has also started getting hairs in the center.
I even took a pic of the wild bunch that are up with the other girls.:weed::peace:



Well-Known Member
looking great!

The 1st of the above indoor pics is BR1, right? Whatever it is, I'd like to see what it looks like from the side


Well-Known Member
does the "mutant" BR have thick pedals? Other than the slightly different shape, something seems different about the leaves on that thing.


Well-Known Member
geez, theyre really starting to take off! i cant wait till mine look like that! your officially killing mine now... you're inspiring me though :mrgreen: wish mine looked like that. great job... keep it up!:joint: