Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

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[/I]I grow buds, that is what i want, I am not trying to grow leafs,

And what in the hell do you think produces buds?

I know exactly what you mean Apomixis. I keep asking the same question, how did I get suckered back into this discussion LOL?

Pearls before swine......
The study that uncle ben posted about a hundred pages back contradicts the study you posted. IMO the studies are flawed, and also very old.

The study Uncle Ben provided only covered absorption. No mention of transmittance, reflection, and/or heat loss.

Instead facing that feeling of being dead wrong you guys are using excuses to remain ignorant.

you forget the 40 watt shop light keeping a 4 ft mother plant green and lush for years?

was this not an ah ha moment?
The study that uncle ben posted about a hundred pages back contradicts the study you posted. IMO the studies are flawed, and also very old.

The study Uncle Ben provided only covered absorption. No mention of transmittance, reflection, and/or heat loss.

Instead facing that feeling of being dead wrong you guys are using excuses to remain ignorant.

you forget the 40 watt shop light keeping a 4 ft mother plant green and lush for years?

was this not an ah ha moment?

Although I could be mistaken I believe that your wrong about the study ub posted. It did include transmittance.

Like I said before I don't keep mothers, so thanks for the info on that. Not real sure what your point is there though.
This mango haze leaning girl had most of her leaves removed by around week 8 of flower, she took 14 weeks total, yielded just over 21 oz (600g)








peace :)

Nice defoliated plant that kicks ass with only five weeks veg some people can't even come close growing outside with months of veg with hazes.

Note the lack of leaves even if it wasn't defoliated their wouldn't be a lot but the bud does photosynthesize as you can see it keeps growing these are not apples not even close in any way.

The defoliation test thread was closed because the mod rollitup had deleted at least three pro defoliation members posts and we all complained they were relevant posts to the thread but all the trolling was never deleted so I repeated my post again and would do it again but he closed the tread instead of dealing with the trolls.

The site bias is incredible deleting posts because they make a point not for bad language or abuse those are encouraged and protected.

The actual test is going great natural and defoliated are even the topped ones are half the size but this site will not see the results try it yourself it works.

I have deleted my pics this site will not see my monster bud again keep following the average it will maintain the status quota small average plants that people hide far behind trying to make something look bigger than it is.

I only posted good pics of monster bud on pails or with rulers I have nothing to hide my pics spoke for themselves.

Defoliation works as you can see from the above pictures and from my own pics we grew monster plants so it isn't the evil method everybody is fighting over for no reason other than are plants are more impressive than most that has put people at odds with what they think vs what they see you can only know if you try.

It does no long term harm and is much better than topping even after weeks of recovery there is still no contest that is what many fear they will see real results one way or another but the mods play favorites and this test will continue elsewhere Good Growing to all.

Books are not science they are opinions of the author not facts be your own judge try it for yourself before you claim things as fact based on someones opinion that eventually gets proven wrong or modified that is progress and how we have learned forever.
"Books are not science they are opinions of the author not facts be your own judge try it for yourself before you claim things as fact based on someones opinion that eventually gets proven wrong or modified that is progress and how we have learned forever."

There are two kinds of books, actually. Fiction, which are the kind you believe in, and non-fiction, the kinds people like me read.
Google those words and open a brand new, shiny, open, and wonderful world for yourself. Some books are true!
There is a lot of work that goes into plant science, and you tell me its invalid, opinion? Dude, are you real? Really? Rrrrreally?

There are so many factors that can result in the pictures you post.
You see, a scientist considers factors, qualifies and quantifies them, and statistically proves that a null hypothesis is not possible. This is known as the scientific method.
What you do is the complete opposite. You say: do this (based on a picture) and you will get the result. It's your methodology that has been avoided for.... As long as real science has existed. You meet my resistance as a character that uninformed people who join this site look up to. You are a role model here LMFAO. You should help people, not mislead them! And that is really what you are doing! They don't know better, so off they go fertilizing seedlings with 1000W laying on them while they go plucking away those nasty leaves. With bag seed no less! LMFAO. No wonder the plant problems forum is by far the largest....

I tried to be open, and saw the validity of defoliation as a cultural tool that helps to shape a plant to a particular environment. I accept this. Why? It's as far as I can assume your methods are correct. Even that is scientifically risky. You provide nothing beyond pictures! The rest, I need to see proven. Your evidence stops there. You haven't been able to prove otherwise, so I can only assume you bought some really great genotypes from a breeder who, more than likely, doesn't go pulling leaves off his plants.

Now it's your turn to tell me about the fake world I live in. Go!

EDIT: those pictures are amazing. You can't prove to me EVER that they were the direct result of defoliation, but they are amazing.
Most marijuana books are based on opinion not science they might quote a study once. Their are scientific studies but few deal with pot and comparing them to fruit trees or anything else is wrong but grow your average weed I believe in freedom of speech not like this site.
Most marijuana books are based on opinion not science they might quote a study once. Their are scientific studies but few deal with pot and comparing them to fruit trees or anything else is wrong but grow your average weed I believe in freedom of speech not like this site.

Highly recommend you pick up a copy of Robert C Clarke's book on Marijuana Botany and read it before you try to debate this one.
Nice defoliated plant that kicks ass with only five weeks veg some people can't even come close growing outside with months of veg with hazes.

Note the lack of leaves even if it wasn't defoliated their wouldn't be a lot but the bud does photosynthesize as you can see it keeps growing these are not apples not even close in any way.

The defoliation test thread was closed because the mod rollitup had deleted at least three pro defoliation members posts and we all complained they were relevant posts to the thread but all the trolling was never deleted so I repeated my post again and would do it again but he closed the tread instead of dealing with the trolls.

The site bias is incredible deleting posts because they make a point not for bad language or abuse those are encouraged and protected.

The actual test is going great natural and defoliated are even the topped ones are half the size but this site will not see the results try it yourself it works.

I have deleted my pics this site will not see my monster bud again keep following the average it will maintain the status quota small average plants that people hide far behind trying to make something look bigger than it is.

I only posted good pics of monster bud on pails or with rulers I have nothing to hide my pics spoke for themselves.

Defoliation works as you can see from the above pictures and from my own pics we grew monster plants so it isn't the evil method everybody is fighting over for no reason other than are plants are more impressive than most that has put people at odds with what they think vs what they see you can only know if you try.

It does no long term harm and is much better than topping even after weeks of recovery there is still no contest that is what many fear they will see real results one way or another but the mods play favorites and this test will continue elsewhere Good Growing to all.

Books are not science they are opinions of the author not facts be your own judge try it for yourself before you claim things as fact based on someones opinion that eventually gets proven wrong or modified that is progress and how we have learned forever.
looks like some nice fluffy bud there.
The mods stopped the evidence to maintain the flat earth mentality the last pictures must have made them think the defoliated are the same as natural and double the topped ones how can that be they have been told different.

I have posted over a dozen real studies showing it works for many different plants so why couldn't it work with this plant that does photosynthesize on the bud not just the tiny bud leaves but if you haven't done it how can you know.

My pics were plenty with 2 litter bottles also colas covering 20 litter buckets plus a four foot drywall square to give scale repeatedly because I got nothing to embellish it's not like I hid far behind a one ounce cola and stretched my hands forward to give my avatar the illusion that it's a big plant when it's not even close.

The leaves grow back fast and more of them this is mostly for veg I only do half defoliation 3 weeks in flower and a last cleanup before chop.

My testing will continue with amounts and times of defoliation and also comparing all the training types plus light experiments mix and feed experiments.

I am getting two new strains and starting plants to clone for outside so I will have plenty to test in the next couple of months.
That is a lemon haze they are an aerie sativa that was said at the top of the post and if you knew more it would be obvious it's a very big plant it's not mine they are a denser hybrid.

I have a pure sativa coming from a friend of a friend and still have to get something for outside I'm far north.

I'm growing it and testing it the debate is irreverent it isn't going to make the topped ones catch up, the natural ones being the same size as defoliated for now soon defoliation will real start to go crazy with believe it or not more leaves than the natural making a denser bush you can see it now but it will be more obvious later.

So if you believe a leaf isn't replaced by more or that the plant will stop growing because it lost some leaves you are wrong plants get eaten by many animals and bounce back stronger this is more natural than topping. After defoliating twice the untouched topped ones are still half the height and not much more branching so what really slows a plant down untill you do it you will never know.
That is a lemon haze they are an aerie sativa that was said at the top of the post and if you knew more it would be obvious it's a very big plant it's not mine they are a denser hybrid.

I have a pure sativa coming from a friend of a friend and still have to get something for outside I'm far north.

I'm growing it and testing it the debate is irreverent it isn't going to make the topped ones catch up, the natural ones being the same size as defoliated for now soon defoliation will real start to go crazy with believe it or not more leaves than the natural making a denser bush you can see it now but it will be more obvious later.

So if you believe a leaf isn't replaced by more or that the plant will stop growing because it lost some leaves you are wrong plants get eaten by many animals and bounce back stronger this is more natural than topping. After defoliating twice the untouched topped ones are still half the height and not much more branching so what really slows a plant down untill you do it you will never know.
yeah, you lost me dude, Anyone can grow big airy buds and then claim some b.s excuse why,then brag about how big they are while wet. the bottom line is those things are foxtailed bad. Pulling leaves causes the plant to replenish the leaves, which takes away energy from making flowers. Good luck with your fight, but I have seen enough.
You clearly don't know sativas at all that is the way it grows no matter what, your lack of experience is very obvious.

My plants were tight heavy monster sized bud the colas were almost the size of a 5 gallon real pictures with things to show scale I got nothing to hide proof is in the pics not theory lets see your pics.

Leaves are always growing till the last couple of weeks with most strains and I only removed half the leaf at 3 weeks flower most of the training is done in veg making more leaves your lack of experience continues to amaze but I'm here to help.
Nice defoliated plant that kicks ass with only five weeks veg some people can't even come close growing outside with months of veg with hazes.

1 - that isn't a true Haze (pure sativa hybrid0,

2 - you could have doubled your yield if you had left the plant alone.
Their are scientific studies but few deal with pot and comparing them to fruit trees or anything else is wrong but grow your average weed I believe in freedom of speech not like this site.

That right there is the opinion of someone that has little gardening experience. You are flat out clueless.

No you have not.

In fact you have not posted one single study that shows defoliation increases anything in a healthy environment with healthy plants.

To be fair, he's had many legitimate posts deleted by the site admin, so it's hard to know what was posted and what wasn't. these posts didn't include the same level of insults that UB regularly sinks to, so we're only left to wonder why they were deleted in the first place.
To be fair, he's had many legitimate posts deleted by the site admin, so it's hard to know what was posted and what wasn't. these posts didn't include the same level of insults that UB regularly sinks to, so we're only left to wonder why they were deleted in the first place.

No it wasn't deleted, he just failed to really read any of the studies. Instead he cherry picked quotes out of context
No they dont. In fact I cannot find one study there that is strictly talking about increased yield through defoliation.

Yes there are studies about defoliation through cow consumption and the effects of their flatulence to increase C02.

Yes there is a study that shows the effects of defoliation to put off silking in corn. What correlation do you make there?

Yes their is a study about diminishing defoliation loses, caused by insects, simulated through targeted insect defoliation to minimize yield loss. I dont think you want to use that one right? Since it part of the hypothesis is that defoliation, via insects cause damaged loss of crops because reduced biomass.

As far as I can tell, every study you listed is trying to find ways to minimize yield loss, by optimizing defoliation...not because its a super sweet gardening trick....but because defoliation is a problem certain crops are faced with in certain environments naturally.

So which one should we focus on? I am not going to waste all day rummaging through studies that have no significant value to your point.

I have always asked for one legitimate study. I would love to read one, but I'm not wasting my time reading studies that have no bearing on the topic.
#1 - that isn't a true Haze (pure sativa hybrid,

2 - you could have doubled your yield if you had left the plant alone.

Depending on method used, I would arguably say more than doubled.. and that's not even factoring bulb spectrums that most wouldn't use, and using side bulbs too... <sarcasm> but I'm new to this game, so I guess I should listen to Bud Brewer and cut off every leaf that doesn't show flowering site, just to force all the energy to only those branches so I can grow a plant that looks like the Charlie Brown Christmas tree. </sarcasm>
You clearly don't know sativas at all that is the way it grows no matter what, your lack of experience is very obvious.

My plants were tight heavy monster sized bud the colas were almost the size of a 5 gallon real pictures with things to show scale I got nothing to hide proof is in the pics not theory lets see your pics.

Leaves are always growing till the last couple of weeks with most strains and I only removed half the leaf at 3 weeks flower most of the training is done in veg making more leaves your lack of experience continues to amaze but I'm here to help.
typical troll answer, I don't need to post pics, I'm not running around claiming to have reinvented the wheel. Grown lots of strains, all have been hybrids. I wouldn't waste my time and energy growing a pure sativa indoors(if I could find one) And, if it was a pure sativa, it would have very slim and few leaves and wouldn't need any (plucking) Gee, And I don't know sativas, ninja please.
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