This mango haze leaning girl had most of her leaves removed by around week 8 of flower, she took 14 weeks total, yielded just over 21 oz (600g)
Nice defoliated plant that kicks ass with only five weeks veg some people can't even come close growing outside with months of veg with hazes.
Note the lack of leaves even if it wasn't defoliated their wouldn't be a lot but the bud does photosynthesize as you can see it keeps growing these are not apples not even close in any way.
The defoliation test thread was closed because the mod rollitup had deleted at least three pro defoliation members posts and we all complained they were relevant posts to the thread but all the trolling was never deleted so I repeated my post again and would do it again but he closed the tread instead of dealing with the trolls.
The site bias is incredible deleting posts because they make a point not for bad language or abuse those are encouraged and protected.
The actual test is going great natural and defoliated are even the topped ones are half the size but this site will not see the results try it yourself it works.
I have deleted my pics this site will not see my monster bud again keep following the average it will maintain the status quota small average plants that people hide far behind trying to make something look bigger than it is.
I only posted good pics of monster bud on pails or with rulers I have nothing to hide my pics spoke for themselves.
Defoliation works as you can see from the above pictures and from my own pics we grew monster plants so it isn't the evil method everybody is fighting over for no reason other than are plants are more impressive than most that has put people at odds with what they think vs what they see you can only know if you try.
It does no long term harm and is much better than topping even after weeks of recovery there is still no contest that is what many fear they will see real results one way or another but the mods play favorites and this test will continue elsewhere Good Growing to all.
Books are not science they are opinions of the author not facts be your own judge try it for yourself before you claim things as fact based on someones opinion that eventually gets proven wrong or modified that is progress and how we have learned forever.