Ten thousand posts

Oh no, the 30,000th post party is coming up already?! Things got preeeeetty weird at the 20,000th. I'll never look at a lubbed up computer mouse the same way again.

I've upgraded. cn

On that topic, allow me to model the latest in B-bear wear.

I broke the 400 mark for rep today!! Thanks RB! cn

Ive been very curious for a while, what is your likes received to likes given ratio? I bet you have at least 10:1 likes received to likes given. Am I close?
I'm not entirely sure that in this situation that that would be considered an upgrade, haha.
Ive been very curious for a while, what is your likes received to likes given ratio? I bet you have at least 10:1 likes received to likes given. Am I close?

At one point, it was 14 to 1. I decided that it was mean of me to sweat the ratio. Now if I like it, I Like it, and my ratio has eroded to 8:1 and dropping. cn
At one point, it was 14 to 1. I decided that it was mean of me to sweat the ratio. Now if I like it, I Like it, and my ratio has eroded to 8:1 and dropping. cn

I was pretty close! Best I ever managed is like 2:1. But then again I say a lot of stupid things. And like a lot of random posts. But hell I'm working my way toward 10,000 posts, I shall join the club eventually!
I will hang it up for a spell now because this post brings me to two to the fifteenth power.
Repslap: 529 or the square of twenty-three.
Rep received: 49511; sadly not a power of an integer.