Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Well. Another very long day has started for a long week of work. MLC's suck. I think Im having one.


Well-Known Member
Random Jibber Jabber..

Tired of rising prices..
Less pay..
No job without a college degree, with a college degree? Do you have 2 years experience?..
Drug tests.
Sugar coating.
Background checks.
Sticky keys!



Well-Known Member
Love the sleep after staying up for two days.. Mine hit me at six last night after I ate thanksgiving dinner..dinner


Well-Known Member
Time to find a nice younger asian woman.
funny you mentioned that. a few years ago when visiting brasil i hooked up with a nice little asian girl, barbara akemi, met her on a bus in sao paulo of all places... mind you, it was a vip bus... but still.. random i know.. but holy hell was she something special.. i used to talk to her all the time.. then one day it just stopped. and that made me sad. it may had to do with this other brazilian girl i was dating.. but who knows.. thats all in the past now.

oh and i dated, very briefly this girl from HK. she was a bit crazy, i think due to the fact her family was beyond loaded. while she was in school, her mother sent her $3000US a month in spending money... in fucking spending money!!! what the fuck..


New Member
Damn wife is having PM issues and I trimmed all 8 ounces of this dry Pre 98 Bubba Kush today and she did not help me :( ..

It took me a damn hour to get this cut and trimmed , so I wanted to bitch about it somewhere .. Thanks Ms PotSnob .. I wont be sharing the Bubba this time hahah J/K .. She knows I love her ..


match box

Well-Known Member
All right I have an avatar. I am learning how to do all the things I said I didn't know to do last week. I'm reading and learning. see4 that link has helped. Also thank you to everyone else as well.


Well-Known Member
All right I have an avatar. I am learning how to do all the things I said I didn't know to do last week. I'm reading and learning. see4 that link has helped. Also thank you to everyone else as well.
Glad I could help! Great avatar!