Closet stealth grow, 2 giant plants..

Circle K

Hey guys, first time poster here, I've been looking into the ideas of stealth growing. Been looking all over today for something I could do, I was hooked on the dresser idea for a bit until I looked more into it, and seeing that the yield is an eighth over two months, that's not something I want to devote my time and money to. I'm living in a rented room where my landlord is in no way okay with me growing, much less smoking, on premises. I've figured, though, that I have the means to do it, and I've got a good amount of funding (I want to pay around 300 as a starter, but I can go a bit more) towards making a system that'll take care of 2/4 plants. It's obviously gonna be an indoor plant, and I've got a few obstacles I need to take care of before I jump right into plopping those germinated seeds down.

That's what I'm working with, I've got one of those at my house that I want to convert into a sealed environment. I can work with any kind of tool (My landlord has a complete workshop I can borrow tools from), so that's not much of a problem. After talking it over with a friend, I was recommended to just line the inside with panda film, but I was wondering if I should treat the outside first with something that might make it more odor resistant, not to mention it's a really see-through fabric. Should I line the inside with anything else, just to make sure? I just need to make sure that there won't be problems with smell getting out. No one goes in my room, but if the smell goes around, I'm pretty much boned.

I want these plants to go BIG. I'm talking about maybe growing all the way up to the five foot mark (It's thirty six inches wide, around five feet high, also 60 inches). I need to make sure I have a system that vents air outside through a carbon filter, but it's gonna need to be strong and quiet. For something this big, what kind of fans should I use? I should also mention this is gonna be a non-hydro grow, and I'm not planning on mixing anything for it, I'm just gonna get some recommended soil and go with the best kinds of plant food. I guess what I should wrap up with is that this system's gonna be a smaller tent sized stealth grow.

What do you guys think? Any interest on seeing a play-by-play as soon as I get started?

Circle K

I could help out. First things first Id get rid of that cloths hanger thing idea. Want more advice?
I know it sounds like a silly idea on paper, but I'm looking into treating the fabric with something that'll make it more resilient to letting air through, not planning on letting panda film do all the work, gotta have a few failsafes ready. The bars on the inside are aluminum, so I don't have to worry about toxic PVC fumes, and I'm gonna be using those to mount lights, filters, fans and such.

Dude, if you're renting from a landlord who doesn't approve................
Well yeah, it's a stealth grow.

I'll update this thread when I'm all set up, guys.


Well-Known Member
A few problems I can see are that closet will leak light badly by the looks of it. You may be able to do something to seal the light out/in but ventilation and odor will be a problem. If you install an exhaust fan and scrubber then you will need to worry about noise from the fan and ducting. If you are planning on using HID lighting you will need a good exhaust system and most if not all good fans are pretty noisy.
If there is a chance your landlord would call LEO on your grow then you would be a fool to risk it. Unless you plan on locking yourself in your room for the next 3-4 months, no stealth grow is snoop-proof.


Active Member
If you have the money, why don't you invest in an actual grow tent. I know how you feel with keeping it stealthy but your much better off spending the money on proper equipment. Don't forget you are disposable to your landlord. he can find any other joe shmoe to move in and replace you that won't be growing weed in his house.


Active Member
Man it looks tré risky. I've done a stealth grow with a nosy landlord before. It can be done easy, but no chance I'd risk it with a flimsy wardrobe like that.
I did the flea-market thing and picked up a chest of drawers like this for £5. It took some gutting but eventually had it cleared out inside, with a false front. Didn't need to scrub the air going out as it was funneled straight up a chimney. Had the landlord 'round a few times mid-grow, but just made sure that I shut down the electrics 10mins before he got there and always had a fan on in the room with a couple of those sheets you put in tumble dryers to make the clothes smell nice, in between the fan and the grating to the fan. He never even looked at it.

If it were me, I'd wanna be hedging my bets to make sure he didn't have a clue I was growing. Sure I didn't have the height to grow big plants in, but I learnt a hellava lot with my first scrog, and even convinced a grower of 10+ years that scroggin was the way to go.

If you want convincing, I can try n find a few pics of my old grow to upload. Used a hps to light her up, and she loved it.

Circle K

Thank guys, a lot more positive feedback this time around. I probably should have posted after my grow like everyone else, but I'm really excited about this. I've been talking to a friend who's been growing for a while now, and he's hooking me up with a 400w ballast setup. I'm going to have my setup a few months before I actually start growing, so I'm gonna go out and buy a few stinkbombs and general things that smell so I can work out the kinks and make sure odor isn't a problem. As for the fans, I'll be able to soundproof my door so no one'll be able to hear it (I live in a separate house with a roommate who's only there at night), so it should all work out. I'm gonna be lining the inside with Panda Film for the light situation, and if that doesn't close off the light, I know where to get sheets of balsa wood really cheap.

Also, I was going to make one of those DIY carbon scrubbers, but in the bottom of them, where the air comes out at the very bottom of the carbon filter, I was thinking of leaving a small layer, maybe a half centimeter thick, of those Glade crystals. What do you guys think about that? I'm new to this whole thing, and I'm trying to bring my own ideas to the table as well.


Well-Known Member
I'm in a similar situation re:landlord. My answer was to seal the cab up solid (passive intake from outside) and run it 16/8 veg, 5pm-9am. That way, any time the landlord might visit, it's turned off. It also helps temps stay more even.


Active Member
Just don't germ any seeds till your setup is READY! When your going for stealth, patience and planning Are most important. I built a stealth box and grew a nice plant yielding just under an ounce of decent bud in my parents basement without anyone knowing. Looking back I wouldn't do it in my parents house again. If I got busted it would fuck them too. But I never even came close to getting caught, bc I planned WELL ahead. Btw, my cab is only 2'x2'x2.5' inside, and I still popped out a nearly 1ounce plant. Low stress training can really maximize your space.

oh and don't grow weed in ur parents house unless they are cool with it boys and girls. I was a dumb kid.