Man if you are that far along into flower and you did have a light leakage you will almost assuredly have nuts. Better watch em close. Contrary to popular belief they can take some light in flower without detriment. Think outdoors, the moon is full once a month and it is bright as fuk. Now I am not saying go in there at night with a maglite and start fucking around but I have two ventless propane wall heaters for heat in my flower room one 30k btu, one 10k btu, you can deff. see the flame from them I experience no probs from them and I've used em for years.
Im sorry there is no way they have not gone into flowering from a small light leak. Either there is a major source of light or the timers are off. Id bet on the timers. Sure you want to have no light coming in but littler led lights from surge protectors are not going to cause the plants to stay in veg.
Sorry for the late reply...been pretty damn busy lately.Damn You beat me to it. I was gonna say the same thing. Check your timers.
Anyway, you guys probably won't believe me but the delayed flowering I had was, in fact, cause mainly by the bright LED light right under the plants. Also just so you guys know...these girls were actually flowering but SO DAMN SLOOOOW! So, it wasn't where they were stuck in full veg or anything like that.
I checked the timer and it's been on point since the beginning. I think it go unplugged once for 3 minutes and then I fixed that pretty quick. I also made sure to cover any light that would have come in thru air intake hole. I put on all the light in the room where I have my tent and did the light-leak test within the tent....NO lights for the last week.
So, it's been about a week and the growth has sped up and the buds are filling in a lot faster now! lol Crazy. I wanted to wait another week before taking new pics so you guys can actually see the noticeable results.
I can take pics sooner if any of you guys wanna see. Lemme know.
P.S. No balls that I've noticed so far. Fingers crossed!