cycles, and legalities in california


New Member
Hello , I want to do a indoor grow in California and want to do it legal, I also want a cycle, I was wondering what people have been doing, I wanted to grow with 2 other people who have there medical cards and grow 18 plants, then I was thinking of cloning so that when the 18 plants are done the next batch is not far behind. However that would mean I have extra plants and wondering how to do this right?



Active Member
Prop 215 says you can have 12 immature OR 6 mature plants. The prop also states that you are allowed to have up to 8 oz on hand. I also grow with 2 other people. The first month I start my clones and then put them in plastic solo cups. From there I veg for 2 months in one gallon pots. I use T-5's from clone through vegging. Then it's in to 3 gallon pots and flower for 2 months and time to harvest. I usually move 3 plants to flower every 30 days. So after the first ones flower i have a perpetual harvest every month. It's a lot easier trimming 3 plants at a time than it is 18. It also makes it easy for me to stay under the legal limit. I have a max of 6 in flower (mature plants) so I can have another 24 (immature plants) in veg or clone stage. The hard part is keeping the vegging plants small enough until there is space available in the flower area. LST, Supercropping and small pots help with this. When I get down to 6 plants left in veg I start more clones.

There's all kinds of ways to grow. I'm sure other people on here will share their methods with you, also. This is what works for me. I actually do all my flowering outside in the free sunshine and fresh air. Because the plants have been under 18/6 light as soon as I put them outside and they sense the shorter day they start to flower. The plants love it and the ole lady doesn't bitch about the house stinking. It also keeps the electric bill under control. From 3 plants, mostly Strawberry Diesel, I usually pull about a pound of dried buds. That's more than enough for 3 people.. One other thing.. I don't use any nutes that are made for marijuana !!! Lots of people do and have great success but I find a good balanced 20 10 20 fertilizer along with my alfalfa tea works great..

Good luck !!


New Member
Prop 215 says you can have 12 immature OR 6 mature plants. The prop also states that you are allowed to have up to 8 oz on hand. I also grow with 2 other people. The first month I start my clones and then put them in plastic solo cups. From there I veg for 2 months in one gallon pots. I use T-5's from clone through vegging. Then it's in to 3 gallon pots and flower for 2 months and time to harvest. I usually move 3 plants to flower every 30 days. So after the first ones flower i have a perpetual harvest every month. It's a lot easier trimming 3 plants at a time than it is 18. It also makes it easy for me to stay under the legal limit. I have a max of 6 in flower (mature plants) so I can have another 24 (immature plants) in veg or clone stage. The hard part is keeping the vegging plants small enough until there is space available in the flower area. LST, Supercropping and small pots help with this. When I get down to 6 plants left in veg I start more clones.

There's all kinds of ways to grow. I'm sure other people on here will share their methods with you, also. This is what works for me. I actually do all my flowering outside in the free sunshine and fresh air. Because the plants have been under 18/6 light as soon as I put them outside and they sense the shorter day they start to flower. The plants love it and the ole lady doesn't bitch about the house stinking. It also keeps the electric bill under control. From 3 plants, mostly Strawberry Diesel, I usually pull about a pound of dried buds. That's more than enough for 3 people.. One other thing.. I don't use any nutes that are made for marijuana !!! Lots of people do and have great success but I find a good balanced 20 10 20 fertilizer along with my alfalfa tea works great..

Good luck !!
Thanks a lot , super great tips I think I will attempt the one month cycle, How many days is it from clone to veg, to flowering , trying to time this correctly and figure a way to get maybe 6 plants per month but like I said Im trying to decided before i grow



Well-Known Member
^^^ True Dat!

Seems that 100 plants is the magic number for the Feds to prosecute. My understanding is counties can "amend" Prop 420 limits. Those are listed here Having typed this, 6 and 12 is still safest :bigjoint:



Active Member
prop 215 does not state plant limits. senate bill 420 stated limits of 6 and 12. sb420 has been ruled unconstitutional. has all info needed. some advice local pd will use sb 420 as grounds for arrest so anything over 6 and 12. stay under 99 to stay out of fed cortrooms. just beacse you get a rec for 99 plants dosnt keep you out of a cop car

Thanx Adam, good reading.. I learn something new all the time.


New Member
Thank you all for your great tips, Im trying to figure out how to harvest 6 plants per month everymonth, any tips for that would help as well.


Well-Known Member
if you plan growing with 2 friends you can have 18 in flower so you can harvest 9 plants every 4 to 5 weeks 9 plants would fit under a 600 great


New Member
I was talking to a friend of mine who says you can leave plants in the veg room for basically as long as you want and then put them in the flower stage for approximately 8 weeks. does this sound about right