Awesome man, didn't seem like rambling there is a lot of good info in that post. I honestly have no desire to open a business on that level. I would love to grow for enough patients to make be able to support my family or work for a company in any number of capacities, I have 5+ years of managment, customer service, and sales experiance. I think I could be a great fit. I'm gonna be 30 the end of this year and my wife is just a little younger then me, we have seriously considered trying to open a small bakery, or even a food truck since we both love to cook/bake. The bakery I would want to include canna baked goods, but sadly we are a long way from being in a financial position to take those steps. All the damn permits and overhead to get started, let alone the lack of income until we start making some money. So in the mean time my real objective is to find one of us a good enough job to get by and get ourselves to buying a house. Thats been our big goal the last couple years, I hate paying rent as I've ranted about a few times in this thread.