DEA chiefs urge Obama to nullify Washington and Colorado pot laws



Former Drug Enforcement Administration chiefs are urging the Obama administration to nullify marijuana laws in Colorado and Washington, which recently legalized the recreational use of pot.
The eight former DEA heads fear that the states’ marijuana laws will instigate a “domino effect”, causing other states to pass their own laws legalizing the recreational use of certain drugs. Since marijuana is illegal under federal law, the former DEA administrators believe Obama should sue states to force them to annul the legislation.

“My fear is that the Justice Department will do what they are doing now: do nothing and say nothing,” Peter Bensinger, a former DEA administrator, told AP. “If they don’t act now, these laws will be fully implemented in a matter of months.”

Colorado and Washington passed a voters’ initiative to legalize recreational use of marijuana. Revenue from the drug sales will go to education, healthcare, research and substance abuse prevention. Marijuana will be sold under a tightly regulated system, similar to that of alcohol. Washington state officials have already created a timetable of distributing marijuana producer licenses by August.

“The voters have spoken and we have to respect their will,” Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper said after the November election. “This will be a complicated process, but we intend to follow through. That said, federal law still says marijuana is an illegal drug so don’t break out the Cheetos or gold fish too quickly.”

The Department of Justice if currently still reviewing the states’ laws, which the former DEA heads hope to influence with a statement to be released Tuesday by the national lobbying group, Save Our Society from Drugs.

US Attorney General Eric Holder is scheduled to speak before a US Senate judiciary committee hearing on Wednesday, where he will likely be questioned about the extrajudicial killing program. But the former DEA administrators are urging senators to also question him on the legalization of marijuana.

“It is outrageous that a lawsuit [against the states] hasn’t been filed in federal court yet,” said Bensinger, who called the issue a ‘no-brainer’.

But the legalization issue has two sides, with advocates claiming that criminalization of marijuana creates unintended social problems. The DEA has also come under scrutiny for focusing too much on drug operations from which it can seize the most money, which is usually marijuana trafficking. An undercover DEA investigation that began in 2010 supplied the agency with $186 million in cash and other assets from Mexican drug traffickers.

But the group of DEAs have so far opposed the state drug laws out of fear that the contradiction with federal laws could make things complicated.

“And there is a bigger danger that touches every one of us,” Bensinger said in a teleconference call before the November elections, “In states that have legalized medical marijuana, drug driving arrests, accidents, and drug overdose deaths have skyrocketed. Drug treatment admissions are up and the number of teens using this gateway drug is up dramatically.”

With the will of the majority contradicting the will of the DEA, Holder's review will lead him to soon make a statement about the future of state drug laws that contradict those of the federal government.
Don't you hate it when you come across LAIRS!?!?!?!
and i'm surprised the obama administration hasn't done anything to stop CO and WA already. i can go quote what a few veteran right wing blowhards were saying before the election.
I would urge everybody to nullify the other laws besides legalization. How hard is it to leave stoners alone?
That Bensinger needs about a 15ft monster sativa shoved straight up his ass.. I mean til the cola bud pops out of his mouth and side buds out of his ears.
Seriously though, the truly sad thing about that is how many people actually believe that BS.
Won't change anything in my life. They can file lawsuits, they can decriminalize it, they can legalize it, and my life will remain unchanged.
Fuck those politicians now and fuck them forever. LOL Hatehatehatehatehate
That Bensinger needs about a 15ft monster sativa shoved straight up his ass.. I mean til the cola bud pops out of his mouth and side buds out of his ears.
Seriously though, the truly sad thing about that is how many people actually believe that BS.

Weed abuse. :( cn

Im here, find me.

That is beyond creepy.

Keep looking til you find me. Im here, Im here, Im here. Fine me, find me, find me. Im here.

What the fuck.
I guess we all have to believe something.
Ok here's an example, states that didn't want to lower the bac to .08% for dwi were forced to do so by the feds. The feds simply told these states that their budgets for their infastructure, dpw's etc was going to be severly impacted by the withholding of federal money unless they changed their laws. It was .10 in my state but the feds forced the .08 thus changing the states law.
Also something about discrimination and voting if I recall correctly.

I am not American, just read about it due to Cannabis laws.