What Nutrients Do I GET!!!look please, pics. thanks


Active Member
My plant has only had soil with nutrients in.
I have never added any... as you can see from the pics my plants leaves are just turning yellow and getting brown dots on them...... What is happening?
The plant is 5ft and just grows in my window...
please can someone tell me what nutrients to buy or is thereone type that does everything.
Thanks for all your help people


New Member
Has it always looked this yellow or is this something new?
I would also think it is a lack of nitrogen BUT I don't think it is getting enough lihgt either and I would say that is more of the answer. It may has recieved enough light when it was little but now you only have light coming thorugh and hitting the plant on one side. Its too big to get light all throughout so it is now suffering.
look like you might need some nitrogen.


Active Member
Hi thanks for the comments.
I am always turning the plant so it gets plenty of light. This has just happened all of a sudden.
I will try nitrogen,
Anyone got any other tips.



New Member
might want to try transplanted it. Turning it in the window isn't going to do a lot. Its leaves are like solar panels for energy


Active Member
Fox Farms Grow Big is a great way to get some much needed nutes or even get yourself a nice fish emulsion that is a lil easier and wont burn your plants. Both will give you the nitrogen your needing.