got home took the bin round from the back of the house n could smell ganj again. no leaks this time, the filter must be cream crackered or not up to it. annoying this is my old one wasn't done yet bt i thought best change it keep on my toes....
got a funeral to go to today so wasn't about to start unhooking and gaffer taping the old one after removing half the plants then i realised i had 3 of the next wave of 2.5-3ft beauties were blokes of the sweet n sour and the smelly fingerez, chopped them in a fit of rage, had no real concrete plans to breed with em so fuck it.
they were beautifully manicured, mainlined and ready to rock. fucksticks

so down to a couple of scraggly mothers i chucked in of cheese and livers 2 toke which should yield me 2 oz from the pair if i'm lucky and another massive smelly fingerez and a small one which i never had a big airpot nor the coco to let fill out so just winged it in the corner
fucked off to say the least. i'll be basting basement shiting this afternoon, as i phoned for an ikon one and was tol they were out of stock obv they don't keep expensive kit on the shelves cos it's bad to have high cost inventory. so the lad says we have an 8 inch long throw one, no brand name but just as good. like shite it is.
so they casn either reduce the cost of the ikon or phat filter and send me one or i'm fucking them off. amount i've put through them they should sort me out i reckon but. i'll not be making the same mistake again./ i knew i shouldn't have cheaped out on the fucking filter. god job i've got no neighbours close. stuck the ozone genny in there for today which the missus is going nuts about saying her chests bad, the neg pressure off the fan makes the room suck air from the house there's no way any o3 is seeping back out of the tent and the room but try telling her that.
so nearly another 200 notes for a new filter and minus about 9 oz of product out the next run. i wouldn't care but the same happened with males last run, i've only got 3 mature plants to pull end of next month.
still there's many with worse problems i guess. poor fuckers i'd like to meet em and buy em a pint.