defoliation? yes/no and techniques


Well-Known Member
Ok i know alot of people dont like to remove water leaves but i have been getting Good result removing the bigger water leaves every to weeks i want to know what people think mainly about the defoliation will take away from flowering needs and if u do defoliate wats ur technique and reasoning behind it just would really like to get so good in put on the topic ill be posting pics and updates on it as well
Do a fuckin' search and READ! There are at least 3 threads on this dumb noobie practice right under your nose. Don't start another thread on any topic until you've used the search feature!

Personaly idgaf wats in the search info this is for my personal knowledge which I decided to share but any way dude if u dnt want to see another thread on it well hey wtf u looking for
It's bad mmmkay? In nature MJ likes getting leaves ripped off? Usually it causes the next set up from the set you ripped to lose color
I've been having better luck, now that I don't remove anything. The only leaves that I take off are the ones that come off very esily, like kindnug said.

Leaves are your plants sugar factories, no leaves = no sugar = no food to feed your buds.
Ok i was told tht a fan leaf is used to feed the plant but after awhile not as much and becomr more of a shade leaf so if this is true wouldnt that make it be reasonable to belive tht frm removing older fan leaves iy would provide more light penetration and increase quality and size i dnt defoliate in flower i stop 2week b4 switch to allow for new fan leaves
Personaly idgaf wats in the search info this is for my personal knowledge which I decided to share but any way dude if u dnt want to see another thread on it well hey wtf u looking for

If you don't give a fuck what's in the search, then you probably won't understand half of the logic behind the arguments on defoliation and no matter what answer we give.. it will fly right over your head. That said, if you understand half of it, you will definitely see that removing fan leaves is not the brightest of ideas, generally speaking.
Ok i was told tht a fan leaf is used to feed the plant but after awhile not as much and becomr more of a shade leaf so if this is true wouldnt that make it be reasonable to belive tht frm removing older fan leaves iy would provide more light penetration and increase quality and size i dnt defoliate in flower i stop 2week b4 switch to allow for new fan leaves

How would removing the leaves provide more light penetration when the leaves you'd be removing would be at the bottom anyway? Canopy density, light intensity, and spectrum(s) will determine canopy penetration, above all else.
How would removing the leaves provide more light penetration when the leaves you'd be removing would be at the bottom anyway? Canopy density, light intensity, and spectrum(s) will determine canopy penetration, above all else.
no the leaves im referring to are not at the bottom mostly mid ill say and plz dnt get me wrong im far frm a a.hole every piece of knowledge gained is appreciated
no the leaves im referring to are not at the bottom mostly mid ill say and plz dnt get me wrong im far frm a a.hole every piece of knowledge gained is appreciated

Ok, that said.. if you're considering removing the mid-leaves (those 2nd most likely to get any bit of light, and be able to produce energy for the plant).. how would that benefit you any? The laws regarding light would say that the leaves lower than the mid would get even less light even though there's nothing there to block them. Picture to illustrate:


Make sense? =)
frm those few mid leaves removed i expose several growing branches which in turn provide more energy for the plant in a whole which got no light so no matter how low the light intensity so 10 exposed growtips will not provide the same light2energy as the/5 fan leaves i removed to expose them
IMG_20130305_212512.jpgIMG_20130305_212512.jpgpics about a week after defoliation I have a tightly packed grow space defoliation helps I'm air flow and increased light coverage
It's bad mmmkay? In nature MJ likes getting leaves ripped off? Usually it causes the next set up from the set you ripped to lose color
in nature does MJ like being cut up for clones, super cropped, lst or ran in a hydro setup? really don't see what point is.

as for defoliating, it's been proven to work if one does it right. it's best to do most defoliating in veg and here and there through out bloom. i would suggest doing some research on it before you start to gain a full understanding on how it's done.
only truly believe whut you have tried for self
experiment is your best friend
this site used to be a virtue knowledge base
i did my pre k - elementry - high - and college right here
now a bunch of kids answer questions dont know of whut they speak

reason so many varried answers- most dont have aclue

wll i was interested in the same thing
once got a lot of diff answers
so i tried for myself defoliation at diff stages of flower

i learned large fans affect part of plant its connected to
and only needed till stretch is over
sum plants start to kill them at about 2/3 into flower
sum turn them yellow sum drop them sum turn brown sum purple and brittle an sum do nothing -stay green

i learned you never touch the leaves that suger up they will hurt your production if removed - ispeak of single leaves sticking out of buds
and tiny fans surrounding buds never never touch them

i also learned removing fans did not change production sum said it will improve it sum said it will hurt it i found niether it did allow more air to circulate that might have helped

remember to experiment and dont believe shit not me not no one - and do me favor dont spread shit untill proven
help to make this place whole again

be kind when all express there opinions on untested shit - whut they heard an read - thank them just dont buy into it and dont spred it - if it tests out OK -then believe an spread

another thing i tested is autos can be cloned altho most say cant - but no sence will die wit moms in 8 - 9 wks


What do you consider experimenting and for that matter what do you consider 'proven'? People can 'experiment' on a personal level, to find out what works for them or appease themselves, but I seriously doubt that many of our experimenting pot growers are trained scientists, know of the scientific method, or follow any real procedures to isolate variables whatsoever other than the ones they think they might have control over.
@fresh thks for the FAIR input I have been doin it for about 2 years o do it every couple weeks thru out veg stop 1week b4 flower and I might pluck the ones that yellow @ the end 75% yellow depends one strain and bushyness but I also get quality bud I was doin this for input and to find out the tricks other defoliaters use but this topic could go forever bcuzz opinions r like assholes everyone got one
thks bro that how I always looked at this site but its really a lot of like minded ppls here but u get sum rude Kats also I believe u can always learn knowledge is really power I except all info at a objective point of view but defoliation I have been useing I wanted to get a few tips frm the pro's but thks again rastaman