Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

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-snip-You should maybe take an english class. "Proper pruning and topping will increase yeild on every strain" Is there any weight reference? No.

Unless your yield is anti-gravity, then the weight is implied by the statement of increased yield.. isn't it?
When my first plant actually flowered...I got 'newb-itis' and ripped off a ton of fan leaves....
dumb move...slowed down flowering a LOT.

havent ripped off any fan leaves off any other plants since.
Looks like a nice bud, looks like the plant was pushed over at some point. And the buds started growing up towards the light.

Effect of phototropism and gravitropism (to get technical). In spite of me staking and tieing up the colas with plant tape, the weight of the buds laid colas prostrate to the ground. The thin sativa like "trunks" just couldn't carry the weight on their own. Check out these views starting from Aug. 1 to Aug. 29. Quite a bit of bulking up in 29 days, eh. 3rd photo shows the cola on the left almost upside down!

FullViewAug1send.jpg 2colasAug19.jpg FullViewAug29Send.jpg
That's the problem, the image doesn't show, only a script. Maybe Chrome is different.

Nice plant!

Hey bro, here's another way to do it.. Go ahead and upload the attachments and then preview post. In preview post mode, click on your attachment and the pic should pop up to it's own window full sized. Then right click that full sized image and select open in new tab or open in new window. You can also see it there's a copy url option. Anyway if you open in a new window or a new tab then you can copy the url from that new tab. Then simply enclose the url inside of the img command:
looks like you have hundreds of answers here.

i personaly trim the fan leaves off through the flowering period so that i get better air circulation through the canopy and to allow the light to penetrate to the buds that are lower down, i keep smaller fan leaves that dont get into the way of other plants bud.

you wouldnt grow a plant under an umberella.....

the fan leaves will produce the energy for photosynthesis but when you are growin sog and there are what seems like hundreds of fan leaves creating a canopy of shade to the lower buds then you have to make a decision- 1) do i want to remove the leaves and have my lower buds fatten up through the exposure to light- 2) do i want to keep the fan leaves and have under-developed immature bud under the canopy that is a real pain to manicure and usually ends up in the compost bin.

ive grown with a 1000w sog style with trimming and without trimming- the trimmed plants were easier to manicure and gave a slight increase in finished dried weight but the buds were all nice too, the un-trimmed plants were a real pain to manicure on the popcorn under the canopy and the popcorn was leafy and squishy but i kept most of it and the yield was still as good as the trimmed plants- i think there was a 1.5oz difference in favour of the trimmed plants but the bag appeal of the trimmed plants was much nicer.

it all boils down to where abouts in the grow you want to spend your time putting the work in, 1- trimming fans through flower period or 2- more time spent harvesting the under developed leafy bud.
I was having problems with the picture expansion software also.

I found sometimes it wouldn't work in quick post mode, I had to go to full mode to make it work. And that seems a little touchy sometimes also.

When you look at this picture on it's side =>

big bud.PNG
You can see what I mean about the plant leaning one way or the other. And how the buds respond, that's what my outdoor buds do. But they do it because I intentionally push them over.

Like the stem for example it's laying right on the ground, rather then upright like you normally see.

Someone explain to me how buds fatten up due to exposure to light?
Are the buds making leaves or the other way around? :wall:
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