Stealthy Mini Fridge Grow?


Well-Known Member
I've Been Hearing A Lot About Mini Fridge's For A Stealth Grow And Was Wondering............ Many Plants You Can Grow In A Mini Fridge? You Have To Use Clones? Much Of A Yield Will A Plant That Small Bring? (lowest You Got?)


Well-Known Member
1. Depends on the size of the mini fridge, your pots & plants.

2. You can use either seeds or clones.

3. Never grown like that.

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
N3w81e GROw3r! what is --> My aswell do a pc grow

I'm cornfused and if my memory is correct I think that more than one of those low rider plants would fit in a mini fridge

N3w81e GR0w3r!

Active Member
I meant "May aswell do a pc grow" ;)

How big is this mini fridge though. Ive got one in my bedroom and you can just fit 3 bear cans in it.


Active Member
there are some mini-fridges that are big enough for about 4 plants if you could custom build a hydro setup. i would imagine dealing with soil would be kinda bulky for such a small place. it can be done, just need to find the right mini-fridge. also you would start with seeds, get a female, and clone it. not sure on the yield. if done properly a good yield for personal use should come of it.


Don't know about you guy's mini fridge, mine stands about 3 foot tall. i could probobly fit 4 2 foot monsters in there. but that's another story, and explanation.

I'd steer clear of the mini fridge setup's unless it's at least 1 and 1/2 feet tall, that's cutting it very close. Also, unless you can cut ventaltion holes in it, don't bother.


Well-Known Member
you be able to fit 3 plants max in a mini frige. if your gonna try it.

all you can do is try so do it!


Well-Known Member
PC is personal computer..take a computer tower (empty of course) and hang a few CFL's or one really high power CFL (150W or so) up top, put in a few PC fans and some reflective material around the inside and bam, you have an instant stealth PC grow

I've only seen a person put 2 plants in one of those tho, they yeilded close to 2 oz wet.


Well-Known Member
Yea The Yield Off That Plant Wasn't Bad!!!!!

Is This Someone You Know That Did This Pc Grow?

If So How Long Did His Grow Take From Start To Finish?

Because If It's Too Long I Might Have To Pick Something Else Due To I'm A Pothead And Need More Weed?


Well-Known Member
nice pics. that last one however is rather feeble... 1g dry? top the fuckers as much as you can, and lst the fackin shit out of them!


Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
Thank You and to think I have been throughing all those old towers away

Damn glad I braved up to ask a dumb question

Think I'll start asking more of those questions

Dud you rock