The Sex Talk Thread


Well-Known Member
I remember watching a documentary,on it were one of the tribes who adorn themselves with those huge lip and ear plates(not sure of the proper name),anyway the narrator commented that the bigger the plates a lady wore the more attractive she was

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I remember watching a documentary,on it were one of the tribes who adorn themselves with those huge lip and ear plates(not sure of the proper name),anyway the narrator commented that the bigger the plates a lady wore the more attractive she was
Yeah I have seen something like that before.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
This practice is still shown even in western cultures just not as extreme. The custom of a brides family paying for a wedding came from a dowry.


Well-Known Member
It's a lot cheaper to get married than divorced so either marry the right person first time around or don't get married:-P


Well-Known Member

Something I am genuinely curious about.

The women in some tribes never wear shirts or coverings for their breasts. And in some tribes the men don't wear coverings over their penis.

Do you think their people are constantly eye humping the pretty/attractive nudes? Is genitalia view as something purely sexual over there? Or do they look past the nudity?

Looking for opinions and facts. Fill me in.
i believe the allure caused by seeing the opposite sexs sexy bits is caused primarily by the lack of everyday viewing. Since we tend to cover ourseves up all the time ones heart rate speeds up and arousal occurs when we finally do see these parts of the body. A perfect contrast to the lack of clothing would be practicing muslim women. Some but not the whole reason they cover their bodies is to prevent flirting and sexual advances from males that are not their husbands. I bet as this tradition is coming to an end there is some really horny old men going WTF is that girl wearing and regularly suffering from whiplash :):):)

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I enjoy viewing Nude women in person or not. My wife does not sadly.:cry: Except when she was pregnant with our son. This was ​a fun time.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Overall, I don't like porn.

Mainly because it makes me feel guilty.
guilty for what? i believe its love that counts and only loving one woman at a time. You wont fall in love with a porn star. Its like when your girl/boyfriend flirts. I know shes coming home with me. I actually enjoy it when they can turn other men on. It boosts my ego. porn is creating fantasy and unless the fantasy takes over your life i dont think you should feel guilty.:):):)