The Car Talk Thread

what is that dro, an aston? i'm on the fence about astons tbh.. idk, they're ok.. they don't really do much for me one way or another, kind of li ke grey in a way.. :D

yup its a aston. i dont like them much myself either. astons, jags, and masarattis are all kinda bleh to me. all look the same but that one in the pic is a little different. looks mean.
the new lambo..


ah i see your new lambo and raise you this! which isnt so damn crazy looking lol

i i see both your cars you picked and raise you
cars wernt made to be used as gas hogs with muscle typical man mindset. ladies now i know why you hate us
i i see both your cars you picked and raise you
cars wernt made to be used as gas hogs with muscle typical man mindset. ladies now i know why you hate us

Conversely, you don't find the women in front of you at the express checkout resembling the ones on the magazine covers just to their side. This thread isn't entirely about reality. cn
anyone see the announcement made today by fox, owners of the speed channel?? good bye speed, hello another stick and ball sports channel.. wtf fox??

Where are Americans going to get their F1 fix? WTF Fox. WTF.
Oh and BTW, free international sports streaming:
Its where I got to watch non-Speed channel hosted F1 races last season. Also has rugby, curling, and log rolling! As if that event enough, there are feeds from different countries, watch in Spanish!
how about cars with awsome gas milage? no one wants to blow 50 into the tank.

I would love love love a car with awesome gas mileage. The only current contender however (the Prius) is an anti-car. Read the brochure ... they're selling this to folks for whom driving is a pure chore.

I would give a tooth for something with a tiny turboDiesel, no or nonintrusive hybrid assist WITHOUT plug-in, four-wheel disc brakes and 60 mpg over 600+ miles of range. And a 7-speed true manual. Must have that third pedal or no deal. cn

In the past my MPG choice has been the motorcycle. However it's not so useful for taking a friend somewhere in weather. cn
Is it me or is every sports car manufacturer outside of Porsche becoming infantile? The new Lamborghini is ridiculous, the LaFerrari is pretty and predictable, Astons never change... The only exotic company I look up to anymore is Pagani, but even they are a bit silly. Porsche always seems to keep it real....
Is it me or is every sports car manufacturer outside of Porsche becoming infantile? The new Lamborghini is ridiculous, the LaFerrari is pretty and predictable, Astons never change... The only exotic company I look up to anymore is Pagani, but even they are a bit silly. Porsche always seems to keep it real....

i agree 100% with everything you said here lol
Is it me or is every sports car manufacturer outside of Porsche becoming infantile? The new Lamborghini is ridiculous, the LaFerrari is pretty and predictable, Astons never change... The only exotic company I look up to anymore is Pagani, but even they are a bit silly. Porsche always seems to keep it real....

Even BMW is doing it. They're not a fullblooded GT company, but until the turn of the century you could count on them to make clean-looking, real-driving cars for people who like to drive. the current M5 is a [mumble] jukebox. cn
Where are Americans going to get their F1 fix? WTF Fox. WTF.
Oh and BTW, free international sports streaming:
Its where I got to watch non-Speed channel hosted F1 races last season. Also has rugby, curling, and log rolling! As if that event enough, there are feeds from different countries, watch in Spanish!

yeah, all formula 1 races will be on i do believe the nbc sports channel apomixis.. not sure what kind of coverage we're going to get, and if that is gong to include free practice2 on friday's or what all that entails tbh..
but goodbye to steve matchet, bob varsha and david hobbs, i really like david hobbs as well.. a real bummer for sure..

and hey, you said you watched the non broadcast races on that addy, do they show all races or just the ones that weren't picked up? i'll have to check them out, thanks for the lead..