The UK Growers Thread!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
electric light orchestra brings back a few memories, was listening to pink floyd another brick in the wall album earlier, seems like a day for old memories.


Well-Known Member
i got the cheery from a fella called fet many years ago , he had a seed company but i cant remember what it was called now , something bros , they specialised in brothers grimm copys

sad to say i cant link up to uk420 as im on a ban , it seems im not left wing enough to be seen there , the ban finishes on the 10th so hit me up and ill happily sort that for you

i ran ak for the first time in something like 2005-6 , i was more than impressed , the yeilds were out of this world and the stone strong and unforgiving , the only down side was it smelt a bit like shit but once you got used to this then it was wonderfull , i kept a clone as you do and killed it off in something like 2008-9 , i had by then got the cherry so i was happy with that , the cherry tends to auto which i like , it also has a fruity stink to it and doesnt smell anywhere near like the usual , the yields are a bit of a piss take mind , outrageous springs to mind , the flower time however is up on some plants to 12+ weeks , this run ive had a 7 weeker and a longgggg one thats still around , this is the back of the plant by the way , as you can imagine the fronts just a mess of bud , grown right this will top a kilo even in soil with a veg time of around 7 weeks or so , like i say outrageous



Well-Known Member
i remembered , spice bros

fets a grow master , i had no idea he was still around and to find this link is rather special and im gunna order everything ( wonder if ill get a discount )

edit .... fuckit out of stock , there goes my plan , the viet black is an unknown epic plant , bugger

We are currently out of stock on all of our Spice brothers marijuana Strains


Well-Known Member
Uk420. Is public jusr download hotspotshield if your ip banned. Set of cunts ther

Woohoo fixed me good tablet. No more burning 850 wattsjust to chat shit with u bunch of reprobates.

Thinkin this kali I got is even if not slghtly ahead of the physco so its not gunna be a 10+ week finisher fuking 6 moon sum1 said lolololol

Fuking cherry. Bane of my lfe that shite

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Looking good mate, I'll have a look for the thread you mentioned and if I don't have any luck I'll give you a shout if I haven't found it before your bans over, I'm gonna have to get a pack to run though I've been meaning to now for a couple of years and the wondering what if is starting to do my head in, I've had a look at spice brothers before I'm sure it was for the green giant I'm not sure but I want to say heath robinson had a very impressive run with it even though everything he touches seems to be gold but don't quote me on it as it was some time ago now mate, I'm gonna keep an eye on the spice bro's site and see what comes back into stock wouldn't mind having a look at the green giant x ak or even just the green giant, I flog nearly all my gear and only keep a couple of oz for percy so need something that flowers fast and is still high quality as I have to smoke it that's why I was hoping to pick up both the AK and C99.
Are you planning a gorilla grow for yourself then mate? or just planning on making a few welsh people very happy lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Uk420. Is public jusr download hotspotshield if your ip banned. Set of cunts ther

Woohoo fixed me good tablet. No more burning 850 wattsjust to chat shit with u bunch of reprobates.

Thinkin this kali I got is even if not slghtly ahead of the physco so its not gunna be a 10+ week finisher fuking 6 moon sum1 said lolololol

Fuking cherry. Bane of my lfe that shite
How long you planning on letting the Kali go then mate? you just gonna chop it with the rest or wait til she's finished, there's many reports out there praising the kali mist and homebrewer speaks very highly of the strain and has mentioned several times on the site that she's a stable in his grow and has been for some time.


Well-Known Member
Looking good mate, I'll have a look for the thread you mentioned and if I don't have any luck I'll give you a shout if I haven't found it before your bans over, I'm gonna have to get a pack to run though I've been meaning to now for a couple of years and the wondering what if is starting to do my head in, I've had a look at spice brothers before I'm sure it was for the green giant I'm not sure but I want to say heath robinson had a very impressive run with it even though everything he touches seems to be gold but don't quote me on it as it was some time ago now mate, I'm gonna keep an eye on the spice bro's site and see what comes back into stock wouldn't mind having a look at the green giant x ak or even just the green giant, I flog nearly all my gear and only keep a couple of oz for percy so need something that flowers fast and is still high quality as I have to smoke it that's why I was hoping to pick up both the AK and C99.
Are you planning a gorilla grow for yourself then mate? or just planning on making a few welsh people very happy lol
having a quick read it looks like spice bros have gone , i found this though

i wouldnt trust them , if they have and seed stock it will be yrs old , defo an email first

but yeah the ak i got a jist it has been changed slightly , to what who could ever know ? its listed something about parents lost but have not been then a change to the plant that hasnt happened and claude just not really answering the question as to does ak still have the same parents , he said in the end yes but had posted up a rework and his son was doing it ! sooooo i guess its about a point of view , if you trust serious then everythings ok , if you trust the net people have reported the plants different , personnaly i think there pros but you never know in the world of seed , anything can or will happen

the spreading of the seed is errrrrrr lets say the hippy in me , i would love it to grow wild and figure why not bung out some mixed stuff just for the hell of it , i did this before but ive no idea if it took as its not possible to check , i hope it did and that time they were straight autos , this time its a mix of all sorts as it happens some of it is heath robinsons viking x lowryder , its not great and friggin lovessss mold hence happy to spread the stuff around , theres also mighty mite and other stuff , lets call it a legacy

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
electric light orchestra brings back a few memories, was listening to pink floyd another brick in the wall album earlier, seems like a day for old memories.
love a bit of ELO. always makesme think of the cylons from battlestar galactica stood singing like in some sort of choir Miiiiisteeeeerr BLUEEEEEE SKYYYYYYYYYYY
your gunna hate me for this

uk420 have rather a large thread about it with claude responding , worth a read and you dont come away with a warm feeling in the belly , im a bit of a fan of ak and ive only got cheery ak as i lost the norm so was looking for some seed stock and the thread popped up etc etc

you will find its inconclusive

sorry :sad:
someone take the bit and fucking ring or email simon, i have before he's a canny bloke.
longest i ever flowered for was a thai at 26 weeks , a full month after the coloumbian gold which were in there finished , i thought 22 weeks was a piss take but half a year , fuckin good weed that , c/gold trippy as a bastard , zero concentration levels and your a pain in the arse , smells and tastes like those packs of love hearts , easily one of my faves and i crossed it to lowryder ( as you do ) , the thai was ok but absolutely loved burning , spitting off leaves and generally being a twat , i bent the fucker all sorts of ways to keep it at 9 foot and in the end it yielded about a kilo , wasnt as nice as the c/gold and wasnt worth the wait , was very well recieved with tears in peoples eyes and all that with half the area muttering about thai sticks and the good old days , i think there were a few elo albums played that weekend , being an old twat myself i remember thai sticks also and i also remember they used to given them a spray with ket if they wernt upto much
i done a panama that ran 6.5 months andstill could have gone longer. labour of love those oldskool landrace ones eh.
Fuking cherry. Bane of my lfe that shite
you can't be talking the smelly fingerez are ya? mines looking fuckin well tidy


Well-Known Member
On tablet so can't quote

Dragon...... I'm leaving it all 10 weeks I'll see how it looks''it won't be nwer nr 13 weeks tho lol the wife wouldn't be happy she wants a new suite

Don,,,dunno but sum shite I got of yorkie at 30 a q was fuking nastyness,,wasent feeling it''maybe he fucked it but none the less was pants :) lol


Well-Known Member
The fucker with the sample pack cancelled on me, got a message from sr yesterday to say it had been cancelled, no message or explanation from yer man nor fuckall, and he still has the listing up so he must have the shit. I messages him to say I was really looking forward to it and what not so hopefully when I get home I've got a response

His caviar don't look much like a few pics I seen on goggle image, some tasting looking pics on there, still wana try it tho. Once this crops in me and the m8s goina out a good few ton by for the road

No I ain't tried iso yet, fed up with bubble but my m8 loves it so told him he can take half the trim this time and ill make something else with my half. So dunno what to go for, might do iso but you'll have to help me out m8 cos I don't know much about it lol, I'm a quick learner tho lol
thats abit shite mg wonder why he cancelled on ya? yeah no prob with the iso its a piece of piss just like i say the fumes from the iso are abit rough when ya making it.

few hundred on the road will soon be 4coins lol as we no it makes no difference to the price of near all on there but dus make me lol when i think what i paid in the past, also makes my stats look fucking nice tho nearly 500coins ive spent, at todays prices thats fucking 1000s lol


Well-Known Member
is that the same weed ice you got of yman and was saying how nice it was, how it kicked arse on exo your words not mine, oh that was before you fell out with him lmao


Well-Known Member
Tasted like shit sambbo u bald cunt!! Even yman himself said it was shit lol.. yeh got a. Nok no doubt'' so have a think before u try making me loo
K a dik'' spend thousends on sr u say?? But u can't pay a. Poxy 30 qwid u owe me?? lOL TF


Well-Known Member
Any chance you could put a link up for me please mate I'm not a member of 420, The cherry AK47 is supposed to be a pheno? if so there can be only one, others may come close and carry similar traits but identical? I don't believe it to be possible, I know if close enough and common enough I could be arguing semantics but even still. I also recognise there are plenty of purple AK's out there and have seen plenty over the years being grown on-line and said that whilst we were arguing about it,
The argument between us was petty and happened because I questioned his statement nothing more, he couldn't provide a link or anything of value other than speculation and insults which then lead to our drawn out discussion or handbags at 10 paces lol
how long have you been running the AK for mate? and what do you mean about leaving with an un warm feeling?
I could in all honesty care less eitherway what pheno's are out there I'd just like to run the strain I've run serious seeds chronic and white russian, smoked their bubblegum and AK a few times and would love to find a keeper AK to run as I seriously rated it when I smoked it and have been a fan since but haven't had it in years, I'm waiting for it to come into stock in attitude so I can grab a pack and hopefully mosca's C99 but at the mo neither are in stock, I've a week maybe 2 at the most and will have to consider ordering something else, depending on what's been going on though sounds like I may have to consider something else, I really hope not though as I've been looking forward to having a crack at the AK for some time now mate.
i think this might be it mate


Well-Known Member
Tasted like shit sambbo u bald cunt!! Even yman himself said it was shit lol.. yeh got a. Nok no doubt'' so have a think before u try making me loo
K a dik'' spend thousends on sr u say?? But u can't pay a. Poxy 30 qwid u owe me?? lOL TF
could just pull up the post u dickwad of you saying what i just posted and you dont need no help looking a dick ice really u dont.

as for the 30 quid u was offered it many times but told me to stick it blah blah so go fucking spin for it!


Well-Known Member
and if you could read nobhead i said with the price i paid for coins compared to the price now it looks like i have spent 1000s actually only spent bout 2-3k but im a total loser with no priorites for doing that hay lmao says the man who done how much jail time, is on how many subutex a fucking day??? has boasted about sniffing them in this thread so dont even go with the gammy foot route not mention was a ex smackhead.

fucking do 1 twat, u might be able to play the big I am with the newbies but i been on this thread a long time before you even showed up and yeah i got a body like a elephant but a fucking memory like 1 too..........


Well-Known Member
could just pull up the post u dickwad of you saying what i just posted and you dont need no help looking a dick ice really u dont.

as for the 30 quid u was offered it many times but told me to stick it blah blah so go fucking spin for it!
Anyone eve hear the saying a debt spoke of is a debt payed, I reckon u owe him fuckall now after bringin it up on here lol, that's my moto anyways. Them coins on there way down I reckon, just fell a couple of quid since last night. That guy with the sample says it costs too much to ship to uk, wtf

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Don,,,dunno but sum shite I got of yorkie at 30 a q was fuking nastyness,,wasent feeling it''maybe he fucked it but none the less was pants :) lol
i distinctly remember you saying it fucked you up!? aint got time to pull the post up just now but i will this after.


Well-Known Member
Anyone eve hear the saying a debt spoke of is a debt payed, I reckon u owe him fuckall now after bringin it up on here lol, that's my moto anyways. Them coins on there way down I reckon, just fell a couple of quid since last night. That guy with the sample says it costs too much to ship to uk, wtf
what where they at then m8? i just had a look and 30-31 a coin few days ago i looked n was 28, i do agree tho they will fall and badly has happend before plus people holding shitloads of coins will start to sell loads with the price at what it is causing it to fall, thats the risk buying the coins and that fall happening in the few hours it takes to get em on to sr.

too pricey to ship to uk??? bollax he just dont wana sell to much of it sounded like abit of deal to good to be true.


Well-Known Member
Just coz summet fucks u up dunt mean u like it. I also said it tasted like shit''and u lot saidits th sativa'' it was fuckin horrid'
Fuin typin on tablet so worse than normal spelling lol

So what user u can belittle in public to look the forum gangster but not reply to a text. :?

U never once offered me that,,so fuk u for lying start calling u chedder lmao

Master lol pi know pi wasent getting paid lol sams the type to short sum1 wich is ok but not the other way round. Its a poxy penny but principle remains. i wasent offered it I was told I'll get it wen I get it'' slighly diffrent