Well-Known Member
call me what you want n i havent had the fone you have the number of for ages so dont even no off any txt, i said i would give you that money for the prescription pills u was selling not money i fucking borrowd in the 1st round of emails months ago u told me to stick it blah blah told me in i obviously need 30 poxy quid alot more was your words.Just coz summet fucks u up dunt mean u like it. I also said it tasted like shit''and u lot saidits th sativa'' it was fuckin horrid'
Fuin typin on tablet so worse than normal spelling lol
So what sam u can belittle in public to look the forum gangster but not reply to a text.
U never once offered me thatmoney so fuk u for lying start calling u chedder lmao
u fall out with more people than i have hot dinners you a nobhead FACT lmao