First ever grow, grow journal.

I stopped tying them after I broke No 4s head off
I have a bit more room than you though.
lol well im not tying them down to the point where it feels like the plants pulling back im doing it comfortably until they adjust then do it a bit lower etc. Its worked fine for them so far :)

My clone is doing surprisingly well, thought itd be dead by now lol
I was about to say there isnt much point as although theyre growing size wise there isnt much development of their preflowers. However i just checked on them and BANG what a change since three hours ago... Obviously they were there before but must have been a lot smaller as i always check this spot.

Edit: sorry the pic is actually a lil blurred on the hairs... my bad i didnt realize when i took them sorry

These photos are all Jane. Which is surprising because i thought shed be last to develop. But i guess because shes not as bushy shes getting more even light coverage? Anyway:




So there you have it shes def female unless my eyes conceive me?

I kind of regret fimming on Mary i actually cant count all of her tops its mad...
Mary well she is still showing her preflower development how ever no hairs yet. The problem with Mary is shes a beast. She must have triple the branches of Jane, shes so dense and compact especially as ive been tying her down. So the light isnt 100% penetrating all of her. So im guessing this is the reason why her flowering is a bit slower.

However, the longer she takes the happier i am :D Simply because it means i'll have less problems when i go on holiday toward the end of her flowering :)
good point works well with your situation, and the plants enjoy the optimism as well :)
And I am sure marys density wont be such a complaint too far down the road, but it does bring up a good point- vegetation size is complicated- i am currently 12 inches across the board- all 11 plants, and waiting till 18 before flower stage, but from what i hear there veg height doesnt matter, so much of the growing is in the flower stage, and for mary that could mean she becomes a dominating mother- overpowering the room! Cant wait to see, i will be checking back often, keep those pics coming, some full scale pics would be great! i am like 2 weeks behind so its perfect!
good point works well with your situation, and the plants enjoy the optimism as well :)
And I am sure marys density wont be such a complaint too far down the road, but it does bring up a good point- vegetation size is complicated- i am currently 12 inches across the board- all 11 plants, and waiting till 18 before flower stage, but from what i hear there veg height doesnt matter, so much of the growing is in the flower stage, and for mary that could mean she becomes a dominating mother- overpowering the room! Cant wait to see, i will be checking back often, keep those pics coming, some full scale pics would be great! i am like 2 weeks behind so its perfect!

I don't think there is a height requirement so much as a sturdiness factor. if a plant can keep big fat buds upright it shouldn't matter if it is 6" or 16". Absolutely right a plant doubles (usually more) in size after switching to 12/12 with Sativas or Sativa-heavy hybrids getting even larger (do they ever stop growing?).

And while the longer you can let a plant grow before switching to 12/12 will increase yield, most of us our limited to how much vertical growth we can allow.

My opinion is a 12" wide plant that is only 8" tall is better (relatively speaking) that the reverse.
OB: Haha yeah i know i just wish i could let Mary flurish the way she wants to, upright, no tying down etc to see her in all her beauty. When she finally gets around to it im sure Mary will have a much better yield than Jane. Yeah i swapped to flowering as soon as i my plants reached 12 inches. In my grow op though i should have perhaps done so a bit earlier though the restraint of me going on holiday would make it idiocy.

Email: Yeah that was my gathering of info as well. People say 12 inch as a generalization meaning that by that point the plant should be sturdy enough. However often plants are ready much earlier than that. Cheers for stopping by again! :)
I threw the switch to 12/12 at 12"
It was part of the recommendations from the breeder where i got seed.
They also said I should expect 24"-36" by harvest time.
Plants were 12" high and over 16" wide when I did it.
10 or so days later and No2 is almost 16" already
I am growing like 5 different strains however.
(some other strains are staying rather compact, while still others are stretching, but not as much as No2)
I think it is a more "you should wait until the plant is at least this tall/mature" recommendation to start flowering.
The best thing would be to wait till pre flowers and alternate branching start.
These are signs that the plant is mature and ready to flower.
But a light problem and lack of vertical space had me do it when I did.

TGP- flower development is moving right along dude
Looks great!
Those are Haze right? so they will take a good long time getting ripe
there will be millions of those little white hairs before your done
but the first few are very exciting, are they not?
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Cheers man :) Yeah Strawb Haze :D haha yeah i know i feel like a kid in a candy shop again lol Only about 14+ weeks before its smokeable though preferably longer lol .. thats fucking ages :( haha
Looking good man, keep up the great work.
You're LSTing just to keep your girls low but my main reason is to spread her out for more light to the areas that don't get much (I want her to be a BUSHY before moving outside). Looks like it's working for us both either way:mrgreen::peace:
Cheers man :D Yeah well the idea was to keep her low AND spread her out for light only problem being her main stem has almost reached a complete circle around the outside of the pot so there is actually no room for me to spread her under growth out... Ah well im not hugely fused on yield, to be honest i'll be happy as hell if i make it to the end with these girls!
I cant get photos up now as i dont have access to my camera but i'll be uploading some tomorrow, I'll try get the whole stem in lol if not i'll take a video of it. I thoroughly regret topping Mary. It must have produced at least 5 new tops. Its WAY too dense on her top. The new hairs are being found on both Mary and Jane now. I'll do a full update tomorrow try be comprehensive as i havent had a proper update in a while.

Catch you guys tomorrow!
good word, I was gonna top mine, but after that- and someothers i have heard- I will save that kind of experimentation for my second crop. Cant wait to see em, glad to hear mary is getting on board.
Yeah well it would have been fine if i wasnt limited for space then i could have let her grow upright and it'd be all finer, its the fact that shes on her side thats the problem :) Cheers for stopping by again mate!
I cant get photos up now as i dont have access to my camera but i'll be uploading some tomorrow, I'll try get the whole stem in lol if not i'll take a video of it. I thoroughly regret topping Mary. It must have produced at least 5 new tops. Its WAY too dense on her top. The new hairs are being found on both Mary and Jane now. I'll do a full update tomorrow try be comprehensive as i havent had a proper update in a while.

Catch you guys tomorrow!

Why would you regret getting 5 new tops instead of just one and the tops being dense? isn't that a "good" thing?
Yeah lol it would be a good thing im just worried about my limited space is all. And as theyre on their side all five tops are trying to compete upwards toward the light meaning branches are getting tangled and in the way etc.
Yeah lol it would be a good thing im just worried about my limited space is all. And as theyre on their side all five tops are trying to compete upwards toward the light meaning branches are getting tangled and in the way etc.

yep - growing like a weed! i only mentioned it since topping is very handy to keep the plant short and bushy - though as you mention - the tops will get thick!