Thank you Mr Paul and screw you lindsay grahm and john mccain

OWS doesn't like Hill-dawg, she is the definition of the NWO. They would rather vote for someone who believes in civil liberties. He is moderate enough for the standard fox news republican, and libertarian enough for us to vote for him over Hill-dawg. win-win-win :bigjoint:

They are all in it... Obama only got the nod for POTUS after attending bilderberg with hilldogz in chantilly...
OWS doesn't like Hill-dawg, she is the definition of the NWO. They would rather vote for someone who believes in civil liberties. He is moderate enough for the standard fox news republican, and libertarian enough for us to vote for him over Hill-dawg. win-win-win :bigjoint:

randy pawl will NEVER be president.

dream on.
Jim tucker reported on it...

well if an old coot with a bilderberg boner said it, it must be true!

Yep, we know that high officials in the U.S. government meet in secret with foreigners, which is illegal. To say they run the world is quite a leap IMHO. We shouldn't allow it though.

I never said they run the world, but the power and influence these individuals wield is multiplied when they meet together...

Poor wacko' bucko just can't come to believe it's a rigged game and his vote doesn't mean SHIT...