I have always wondered why michiganders unnecessarily add S' to words. 'Fords' 'walmarts' 'costcos'. Its very prevelent in my area with all the 'fords' and 'gms' plankmartsts near by.
Lol me too. Meijers, Krogers, kmarts etc. I feel like drop kicking people for that sometimes.
When I lived in Arkansas a lot of 'em said Wallmarks and Kmarks so i guess we that sometimes use an S aren't quite as illiterate as a southern hillbilly lol. J/K not trying to offend anybody.....
you can go to Meijer, or you can go to Meijer's. after iti is a Meijer's store being owned.
BTW. MeijerS only tests if you have an accident and you have to go to the clinic.
Doesn't the apostrophe imply a contraction? As in, meijer's = meijer is. Yep
Best memories of Meijers Thrify Acres were the times spent in that damn cartoon booth ..
I can remember the animal play area in the middle of the store where parents would drop their kids off to play. A different time...