Thank you Mr Paul and screw you lindsay grahm and john mccain

Not even close jacko.... Plus macs are for hippie douchebags that think they're cool...

But here's one for you, since you're pining to be black


Would that make you a "self hating jew"?
I don't know if it's always been this mucked up or if I'm just now noticing. I never understood why the dems didn't call em on the threats. It went down like this so many times; "if you try to do that we are going to filibuster" "well shit, we can't do anything, they keep filibustering everything". History will show there has been a record number of filibusters in the last 4 years but this is the first one I've heard of that was real.
This is what Obama and the Democrats did wrong
They folded under the "threat" of a filibuster

They should of let the Republicans get up there and speak for themselves on why they hate the middle class
that's about as realistic as randy pawl's dumbass assertion that you'll be droned for having more than 7 days worth of food around.

that's why he'll NEVER be president, just like his racist daddy.

Because he doesn't wanna kill people in America with flying robots?
You endorsed Obama and you aren't in line with all of his stances.

Which makes you a baby murdering robot supporter, and thus, the idiot.

Don't forget his thread "i love obama and everthing he does"... I'm sure his words were muffled by a big black indonesian cock...
that's about as realistic as randy pawl's dumbass assertion that you'll be droned for having more than 7 days worth of food around.

that's why he'll NEVER be president, just like his racist daddy.

believing in individual property rights equals racist. Thinking "the negro" needs help that no other race needs equals righteous.

It is a fascinating thought process liberal hypocrites maintain.
Bucky is as Jewish as Hitler was. In other words, not one single drop of Jewish blood in his body.

So in other words he claims to be any minority that has experience oppression, just so he can feel as PC as possible... Libtard logic at it's best...
So in other words he claims to be any minority that has experience oppression, just so he can feel as PC as possible... Libtard logic at it's best...

Pretty much, he claims to be Jewish so that he can justify his stupid arguments which aren't arguments at all, just character attacks.

In Buckyland, if you marry a Eskimo, you become a Eskimo.