Thank you Mr Paul and screw you lindsay grahm and john mccain

Who are those people and why are they going to be sorry? Does everyone who eats chik fil a become a dyed in the wool super racist?

just wait 40 years. maybe as few as 20.

you are quite right. some people are very proud of their bigotry.

you've still never told me whether or not you oppose title II of the civil rights act. public accommodations.

I think if Bing Steel wants to win awards for top black businesses in the country because he only hires blacks that it should be his right. Because of private property ownership laws he should have the right to discriminate as he chooses.

I also believe in your right to not buy steel from Mr. Bing, or to picket his racist ass if you so choose.

I think Chick-fil-a should be allowed to have a policy to not hire gays or serve gays if that's what the owner chooses. They would be bankrupt very quickly. The man will become a billionaire while holding vile thoughts about gays that we would have never known about if not for a small radio interview. It's possible for him to achieve this great wealth still because he gets to say he's not a bigot or homophobe, he hires and serves gays, he just doesn't agree with their lifestyle. I'd rather know he does this because he's a decent human being not because he's being made to. What your protection laws did in the case of Chick-fil-a was to protect a man's fortune by keeping secret for so many years what he stood for. How many gay people would love to have the money back they put in his pockets all those years not knowing?
There is still the issue of what non-combatant means. There have been many documented drone killings overseas where many non-combatants have been killed so I'm not even satisfied with Paul's marathon that forced a Holder letter stating Obama does not have the authority to kill American non-combatants(whatever that means) on American soil. Funny how Obama finds this issue so unimportant he couldn't publicly state this, but then he would face questions on past drone killings of non-combatants and have to admit he is a hypocrite of sorts, or a liar, or at least his language would say this.

I wanted a constitutional amendment added to protect us from the future(Charlie Sheen-The Dead Zone) type presidents. But I guess we the people, are not important enough to be guaranteed protections from futuristic killing machines only seen in movies until now. Thanks Mr. President, what a great job you are doing!
I think if Bing Steel wants to win awards for top black businesses in the country because he only hires blacks that it should be his right. Because of private property ownership laws he should have the right to discriminate as he chooses.

I also believe in your right to not buy steel from Mr. Bing, or to picket his racist ass if you so choose.

I think Chick-fil-a should be allowed to have a policy to not hire gays or serve gays if that's what the owner chooses. They would be bankrupt very quickly. The man will become a billionaire while holding vile thoughts about gays that we would have never known about if not for a small radio interview. It's possible for him to achieve this great wealth still because he gets to say he's not a bigot or homophobe, he hires and serves gays, he just doesn't agree with their lifestyle. I'd rather know he does this because he's a decent human being not because he's being made to. What your protection laws did in the case of Chick-fil-a was to protect a man's fortune by keeping secret for so many years what he stood for. How many gay people would love to have the money back they put in his pockets all those years not knowing?

title II of the civil rights act:


i don't care what you want or what you prefer, i'm pretty sure you were never a black person in the 1950's.

i just want to know if you support or oppose the damn thing.

no need for a paragraph, one word will do.
Do you really think the people in that picture are sorry today? Well, most are dead, but I would hazard a guess that most are still very racist to this day.

You are off your game tonight.

i didn't comment on whether they retained their racism, i commented upon how stupid their beliefs make them look now versus then.
just having a little fun at nontheist's expense.

i mean, the south underachieves compared to the rest of the nation in general, and nontheist singlehandedly had to weigh down that average by at least a standard deviation or so.

see my sig.

  • At 68 percent, Oregon not only has the fourth-worst graduation rate in the nation, it also has the worst graduation rates for all ethnic and race groups, including whites.
    "No state did as poorly as Oregon when it came to getting white students to earn high school diplomas: Just 70 percent in Oregon's class of 2011 earned a diploma in four years. That compared with far better rates in states such as Wisconsin (91 percent), New Jersey (90 percent) and Tennessee (89 percent)," reports The Oregonian.
  • At 68 percent, Oregon not only has the fourth-worst graduation rate in the nation, it also has the worst graduation rates for all ethnic and race groups, including whites.
    "No state did as poorly as Oregon when it came to getting white students to earn high school diplomas: Just 70 percent in Oregon's class of 2011 earned a diploma in four years. That compared with far better rates in states such as Wisconsin (91 percent), New Jersey (90 percent) and Tennessee (89 percent)," reports The Oregonian.

give me a list of the ten worst states in the union.
Dude, I didn't really believe what I said about Oregon anyway. It's not like living in a geographical region has any bearing on IQ. You would have to be a total idiot to think that.

inbreeding does have a bearing on IQ, i suspect.

and we all know which region is known for that. nontheist country.
inbreeding does have a bearing on IQ, i suspect.

and we all know which region is known for that. nontheist country.

11 State Laws About Marrying Your Cousins, From Strictest to Loosest
Let it ride! Alaska, Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington D.C., and Shelbyville. Ya know, for all the jokes about the South being the home of family member-on-family member sex... pretty much all of the hippy liberal states are on this list... and the majority of the redneckkiest states aren't. So ruminate on that. (Better than the conclusion of this list leading to you ruminating about your first cousin, right?)

I see New Jersey is on this list. Did your parents have the same last name before they got married?