I wanna have a drink or two tonight too...I got all kinds of booze in my cabnet. I'm better at buying it than drinking it. What's a good drink for tonight? it's 10C outside, just getting dark and I'm sitting here with my boys.
Ya but what about that really handsome guy that's at the bar and is like "How you doin?" after one too many strawberry daiquiris?
What then!?
uh ew im just gunna drink beer, and take shots of whiskey LOL i havent had a strawberry Daiquries since uh..well a very long time hahaha
Much more manly than the bottle of pinot grigio I'm about to drink. Being home I can drink whatever I want without all the embarrasment that effeminate drinking brings a man in public.

As far as white wines go, I prefer a Reisling. But I much prefer reds, almost through with a 12 case I ordered a couple weeks ago already :roll:
uh ew im just gunna drink beer, and take shots of whiskey LOL i havent had a strawberry Daiquries since uh..well a very long time hahaha
