something I have wondered...
Do the flowers use light to grow or do they use the fan leaf energy to grow?
Why do buds at the top that are exposed to more light get larger and denser than those at the bottom of the plant? Is this a matter of apical dominance more so than exposure to light?
If you covered buds with opaque material and left fan leaves exposed, would the buds grow the same?
My thinking is that in nature, the plants sole purpose is reproducing. It grows how it does in order to have the best chance at getting pollinated. Marijuana growers DO NOT want that. They want to keep the plant from doing what it is made to do. So while fan leaves may be there for a reason in nature, that reason isn't to get big, dense flowers with swollen trich covered false seed pods. It is trying to do one thing and we are trying to get it to do another.
This is why we train plants, top then, tie them down, cut their main growth shoots. We sex them, clone, give them all sorts of inorganic compounds, force flowering, grow them without soil etc...
The goal is not to grow the best plant. It is to produce unpollinated female flowers. So what might be best for a plant in nature is not necessarily the best for a plant grown for a specific purpose.
Thats just my thinking. I would like to know more about the plants processes in the development of flowers and how that differs from its process in vegetative growth. We know the plant uses different nutrients in different quantities depending on the phase, does it use light differently? Do the leaves serve the same exact function in all phases?