
Well-Known Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to GreatwhiteNorth again.

I know.. trust me.. I know... I am not one to justify cigs.. but, a pack lasts me over a week.. I have smoked on and off since 14-15 quit for years at a time never been a big time smoker but, ohhhhhhhhhhhh I do want one from time to time... I will quit again for sure.. and I like a good pipe tobacco too.. and maybe every 1-2 years a stogie

I smoke most of the time in boredom or reflection.



Well-Known Member
You make a lovely couple, what's the weather like their you both look wll wrapped up or Spain.x
Thanks! It's been gorgeous last couple of days (20C) but we had nearly a week of rain previously. I ride a bike so I'm usually wearing big coats. I sat on my friends terrace in a T-shirt today.

Cuitadella park last weekend.



Well-Known Member
It was pretty funny. You know that window at 7-11 with the hot food.

He pointed at it " that looks good"
then the girl walks up
Girl " mmmmmmmmmm. that looks really good"

lol only stoners think 7-11 food looks good

Im on to you :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
It was pretty funny. You know that window at 7-11 with the hot food.

He pointed at it " that looks good"
then the girl walks up
Girl " mmmmmmmmmm. that looks really good"

lol only stoners think 7-11 food looks good

Im on to you :bigjoint:

their burgers are somehow.... very very wonderful.. ohhhh some chili and nacho cheese sauce.. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
their burgers are somehow.... very very wonderful.. ohhhh some chili and nacho cheese sauce.. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

i have a friend with no dignity when it come to the nachos. He removes the chips from the bowl and fills it to the brim with chili and nacho cheese.

Its like 3lbs of nacho cheese.

I always say "Really Bro"
he replies

"Hey if they didn't want you to do it they wouldn't have a cheese pump, "


Well-Known Member

i have a friend with no dignity when it come to the nachos. He removes the chips from the bowl and fills it to the brim with chili and nacho cheese.

Its like 3lbs of nacho cheese.

I always say "Really Bro"
he replies

"Hey if they didn't want you to do it they wouldn't have a cheese pump, and hey these guys don't care its not their shop, its not effecting their gross margin"

I must clear things up.. I had no idea what the hell nacho's were till I moved to CA, from CT. I didnt even have a 7-11 there.. :(

when I was 18-20+ I lived with a buddy and his fam.. who lived within a mile of a 7-11 he showed me the love of salsa and nacho's..

I can remember the 1st time I had salsa and chips... I live within 1 mile of the store we purchased chips and salsa at 20 years ago.

stoner food.. you dont find it...... it will seek you out and haunt you like a bad dream


Well-Known Member
Holy fuck, are you serious? Is that like a cultural thing?

Now I'm wondering what they have in Connecticut that I don't know about...


Well-Known Member
Mortuary student with a 4.0, but yes eventual Embalmer :D.. I love it..Thank you for the welcome :D
i have a friend doing cremations and working to become an enbalmer right now.

let's just say that i enjoy your guys' morbid senses of humor. no one can tell jokes like those who work with the dead all day.


Ursus marijanus

i have a friend with no dignity when it come to the nachos. He removes the chips from the bowl and fills it to the brim with chili and nacho cheese.

Its like 3lbs of nacho cheese.

I always say "Really Bro"
he replies

"Hey if they didn't want you to do it they wouldn't have a cheese pump, "
I don't think I've ever been in a place with a cheese pump. cn