The best advice you ever got?


Well-Known Member
The best advice I ever had.. was from my Godfather. He said "If you're skating on thin ice... skate fast.".. and then touched on Rule #6. "If you walk into an Italian restaurant and don't spot the mark within 30 seconds, you're it."


Well-Known Member
Never talk to people about your problems.. Half of them don't want to hear it and the other half are happy you have them
Develop meaningfull friendships where atleast one person sincerly shares your trials and tribulations with appreciation. ~Kinetic


Pickle Queen
Don't argue with people try and understand their point of view

These are wise words written by a friend on RIU :)


Well-Known Member
be yourself, fuck everybody else
following that theme. When learning to drive stick in my brothers suped up sti I was at a stop sign with people behind us. I stalled a couple times and he could tell I was getting angry which was making me worse and worse. To calm me down he said "don't care about them, fuck 'em". To this day I just think back to him saying "fuck 'em" whenever I get angry at people and it usually calms me down at least to a lesser extent. Just might be the best advice I ever had.


Well-Known Member
dont sh){( where you eat. dress to impress, always remain true to your morals and ideals even if your the only one standing.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
From my uncle: Men are fixers. When presented with a problem we try to solve it and move on. When women tell you their problems they don't want you to fix it. Just listen.

It's so true.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
another lesson i learned from my bro-
when arguing with girlfriends who are wrong, don't get angry, don't let her change the subject. stay on task and make sure she does too without coming off as a douche, eventually she will have to accept the fact that she's wrong. if she's right, just admit you are wrong, that way you will have some accountability. women won't change the subject if they know they are right but they will prance around the issues if they are wrong, don't fall for the tears or whines and cries. even if you have to rub one out at the end of the day.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I have only had the misfortune to hear this once. Good advice though given the circumstances.
