Harvested AK47 & Pineapple Express. Take A Look.


Well-Known Member
Hold on,... I'm still trying to get myself off the floor... from the scissor hash...:eyesmoke:

I am looking for something to do with the clippings...Thanks for that.

You should make dry ice hash out of it first.

Kinda gives you a more concentrated and already powdered type of hash that you can decarb and smoke or extract finer with butane or iso or just toss it into butter and let it mix around nicely.


Well-Known Member
You should make dry ice hash out of it first.

Kinda gives you a more concentrated and already powdered type of hash that you can decarb and smoke or extract finer with butane or iso or just toss it into butter and let it mix around nicely.
I'm looking at all the different extractions out there, a bunch. I'll get it figured out and let you know what I ended up doing. Thanks for the suggestion.


Well-Known Member
no problem! dry ice is just nice because it condenses everything so you have to use less butter/butane/iso to extract it further.

but good luck! haha


Well-Known Member
no problem! dry ice is just nice because it condenses everything so you have to use less butter/butane/iso to extract it further.

but good luck! haha
The Grape God buds looked really nice after your cure. How many oz did you end up with on that grow? How soon do you move the clippings to dry ice?


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! always love props.

The Grape God was my shit! the last harvest we got 13oz and about a half or so in change haha. off of 8 plants in 3L pots.

Weve done all kinds of shit with our trim. Some time its same day as harvest, sometimes its after theyve dried out, sometimes we put em in the freezer for a few days.

It doesnt really matter, but the fresher it is the less plant material will be in it initially. But if you shake long enough they all come out the same.


Well-Known Member
well done man
Very nice work sir... Your plant looks happy and very healthy.
That's awesome dude. It makes me all the more impatient for my plants to get going. But I know what the reward is!
its always sad and a massive relief to chop them i find , looks very nice , you sir should be proud
seriously really good job dude, you got me craving for some fire now!@!!!@!
That is a great looking harvest! You should be proud.
Looks great I'm gonna guess 6 ozs
Thanks for the posts!

Should I trim those smaller leaves up tight to the bud today? I ran out of time yesterday. I've read somewhere that was easier to do it now vs letting it dry and trimming after. What do you think?


Active Member
Lovely grow good work man, enjoy your buds. Ps. check out Arjan's trimming method from Greenhouse seeds.nl, way better then the american scissor method


Well-Known Member
Lovely grow good work man, enjoy your buds. Ps. check out Arjan's trimming method from Greenhouse seeds.nl, way better then the american scissor method
Care to provide a link to the article? I tried to find it but there is a ton of stuff on that site.



Well-Known Member
When using dry ice to make hash wet trim is better than dry from what ive read. Throw the leaves that have sugar on them in a bag and into the freezer. Get some dryice at walmart. 10 bucks worth should do 12oz of trim. When trim comes out of the freezer chop it up finer and remove large stems. Use a 220 bag and i like my cali crusher pollen press from amazon. Theres also a 220 bag on amazon thats 3 gallon. Fits over a juice jug. Bust up some dry ice and drop it into the jug. Then add some trim. Then a little more dry ice. Let sit for five minutes, then shake onto table (glass is good) for 5 minutes. Time it, i do and its always five minutes. Dump all the used stuff into a big bowl and reuse the dry ice chunks for the next round. I wait untill im done all of it to press it. That way its all the same quality. I reshake the leftovers once for five minutes. I also scrape the jug out because theres a collection of powder in the jug where the ice was bouncing around. 32 grams out of 12 oz or more. Let the bag stay open for a while so it doesnt mould. It needs to dry. Good luck and nice work bud :):):)


Well-Known Member
Yeah ive tried both fresh and dry and fresh frozen and dry frozen and theres really no difference. its all about how long you shake it.

Essentially the wet is better because it takes longer to freeze the plant material so the trics break off first and the plant later.

But if you shake long enough it really doesnt matter. unless you did like 1 minute runs then collected, but thatd be pointless haha.

Im lucky enough to have a gas store with all types of gases for welding and cooking and heating so they carry a bunch of dry ice.

And its already in pellet form so i dont have to bother breaking it up.

Ill be trimming soon too. Id recommend you get one of those aluminum turkey trays and sit on your couch.

We always loved trimming at our huge glass table but hated being hunched over the table for hours.

So grab a tray, set up another for finished buds, and sit on your couch and watch some tv or movies. haha.

You can get cheap ass .00 scales on ebay or amazon for about 10 bucks.

Id recommend this one because its stealth but still has a fat surface area for weighing or putting a bowl on it to weigh bigger amounts.


Well-Known Member
When using dry ice to make hash wet trim is better than dry from what ive read. Throw the leaves that have sugar on them in a bag and into the freezer. Get some dryice at walmart. 10 bucks worth should do 12oz of trim. When trim comes out of the freezer chop it up finer and remove large stems. Use a 220 bag and i like my cali crusher pollen press from amazon. Theres also a 220 bag on amazon thats 3 gallon. Fits over a juice jug. Bust up some dry ice and drop it into the jug. Then add some trim. Then a little more dry ice. Let sit for five minutes, then shake onto table (glass is good) for 5 minutes. Time it, i do and its always five minutes. Dump all the used stuff into a big bowl and reuse the dry ice chunks for the next round. I wait untill im done all of it to press it. That way its all the same quality. I reshake the leftovers once for five minutes. I also scrape the jug out because theres a collection of powder in the jug where the ice was bouncing around. 32 grams out of 12 oz or more. Let the bag stay open for a while so it doesnt mould. It needs to dry. Good luck and nice work bud :):):)
Yeah ive tried both fresh and dry and fresh frozen and dry frozen and theres really no difference. its all about how long you shake it.

Essentially the wet is better because it takes longer to freeze the plant material so the trics break off first and the plant later.

But if you shake long enough it really doesnt matter. unless you did like 1 minute runs then collected, but thatd be pointless haha.

Im lucky enough to have a gas store with all types of gases for welding and cooking and heating so they carry a bunch of dry ice.

And its already in pellet form so i dont have to bother breaking it up.

Ill be trimming soon too. Id recommend you get one of those aluminum turkey trays and sit on your couch.

We always loved trimming at our huge glass table but hated being hunched over the table for hours.

So grab a tray, set up another for finished buds, and sit on your couch and watch some tv or movies. haha.

You can get cheap ass .00 scales on ebay or amazon for about 10 bucks.

Id recommend this one because its stealth but still has a fat surface area for weighing or putting a bowl on it to weigh bigger amounts.

Hey, thanks guys. four more hangers of bud trimming to go. All the Pineapple express is done. So, I will throw the trimmings into the freezer for now and then read up on your methods.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah! and you can switch out the picture in the front with a real album cover.

then we just stick it on the shelf next to other cds and dvds.


Well-Known Member
Here is the Pineapple Express trimmed up. Put the trimming into the freezer. Time to start the AK-47, back hurts...trimming sux.
