Can I mix and store Nutrient Solution Before Feeding?


Active Member
Hey RIU, as the title says can I mix a batch of nutrients in a tub and store it for 24-48 hours before feeding?

I am using General Organics Line Bio Thrive, Bio Bud, Bio Root, Bio Weed, Cal/Mg+, Bio Marine, Diamond Black. Wanting to mix 2 gallon batches at a time but only use 3L a day.

Ive read some chemicals can bond together making the plant unable to uptake the nutrients properly? Any thoughts on this?


Active Member
they will bind a bit but if your only storing for a day or two you should be fine, some people dont ever change there reserves with hydro so i dont think it will be in trouble in such a short time


Well-Known Member
With most nutes you can mix up batches in advance.

Usually they need to be used within 7 days of mixing.

Just make sure to check your pH because this can fluctuate over time depending upon the amount of buffers/minerals already present in your source water.

Hey RIU, as the title says can I mix a batch of nutrients in a tub and store it for 24-48 hours before feeding?

I am using General Organics Line Bio Thrive, Bio Bud, Bio Root, Bio Weed, Cal/Mg+, Bio Marine, Diamond Black. Wanting to mix 2 gallon batches at a time but only use 3L a day.

Ive read some chemicals can bond together making the plant unable to uptake the nutrients properly? Any thoughts on this?
It is not okay to mix nutrient products together unless they're chemically equivalent (two bloom complexes from separate manufacturers, for example). You will certainly end up with precipitate which is the result of chemical process. It will render otherwise soluble nutrients, insoluble... In other words, your plants will not be able to absorb the newly bonded compound. You can pre-mix using plenty of water, though. Just not the concentrates.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
It is not okay to mix nutrient products together unless they're chemically equivalent (two bloom complexes from separate manufacturers, for example). You will certainly end up with precipitate which is the result of chemical process. It will render otherwise soluble nutrients, insoluble... In other words, your plants will not be able to absorb the newly bonded compound. You can pre-mix using plenty of water, though. Just not the concentrates.
Yeah, I would agree with this and with what jondamon said about p.h. just water left out will change p.h. I always felt it better to mix and p.h. then feed asap.